Edelweiss Tourguide Meeting December 2010
21 Dez 2010
Hi guys,
the year 2010 is nearly over and I had a great time! After 7 trips in South America(Machu Picchu, Patagonia and Scouting Bolivia) and a wonderful Scooter experience at the French Riviera - it is time to take a break...
Last week we had an interesting Tourguide Meeting in Tirol/Austria and we were talking about this year. It was very interesting to hear what happened to the other guides and all the storys from our office too.
And of course we were talking about the next season 2011, any changes in the program, new tours, Scouting Tours like Southern Africa, or coast to coast(Chile to Rio de Janeiro) etc.
Thanks for the interesting Meeting!
Jens Ruprecht