Into the Heart of the Alps ! - (TEB 190a)
09 Okt 2019
/Ted Goslinga
/William Wilde

And so we were all gathering in our start hotel in Erding in South Bavaria with an all-Chinese group of riders mainly from Bejing. Most of them came in already some days ago to explore the area and to get rid of their jetlag. After we did our welcome briefing with the great help of Kim and Arthur our Chinese translaters, we handed over the bikes and had a nice welcome dinner Ready to go into the Heart of the Alps
And so this tour comes to an end! What a week we had: from super sunny days, rainy days up untill snow at rhe Grossglockner! Thank you all guys and girls for your xompany this week. We had a lot of fun !! Hope to see you all on a next tour somewhere, sometime! all the best Ted and William