RTS 190A Rome to Sicily

RTS 190A Rome to Sicily

24 Okt 2019
/Axel Gert Schneider
/William Wilde
Day 9: Agrigento to Catania Welcome to our final ride to Catania    After a wonderful birthday of Nunu in combination with an delicious meal. Everybody was back on track at the breakfast und we started our daily business as usually with the the final briefing.   Today we got 250 km in front of us and so far the weather has been good. We started around 9 o'clock where the road brought us in to the mountains with tiny roads and curves. On side you could read it from the faces that everybody thought already about the last days and what we have been through- all the moments they made our trip so unique. In between all this memory's we stopped today at the famous Villa Romana del Casale where we steht one more time back in time! So after discovering the breathtaking place with is many Mosaiks with ther stunning details. We went on to lunch where we enjoyed a last time together a anti pasti moment. Well it was time to move on to the hotel because the weather didn't look that good anymore, but we have been lucky- also the last day has been dry !!!!!   Back on the Hotel our group had the frost taff moment - they had to give there lovely bikes back to William and me. After the this hard moment the costumers went to the rooms to recover a little bit befor we all catch up again at the Dinner.   William and I looking already forward to the dinner because this is always one of the best moments of the tour- when everyone tells his favourite moments and all the things what they never have thought the will see on this tour.   So as usual when we write it is befor dinner  so we get to dressed up and going to the dinner   so far that's frome today and what has been happened at the good by dinner you may will see later here  Day 8: Cefalú to Agrigento Today is the penultimate day but we are again blessed with blue skies, sun is shining and 20°C We head out of Cefalu and hug the coastline until we reach Termini. Then we head inland and upwards until we reach our first stop of the day for coffee at Caccamo. For some of us this signals second breakfast of the day! Birthday girl Nunu is all smiles as we sit down for Italian cappucini and espressi! From Caccamo we head across country. The roads wind through the rolling hills and we are rewarded with some great scenery. The pace is sedate as the roads are slippery in places but nobody cares and everyone revels in the scenery.  We head towards the Ficuzza forest where Axel is awaiting us. Even though many supermarkets are closed he manages to provide a magnificent picnic and nobody eat any more. After lunch we head to Corleone, the past home of the Mafia and famous as the basis for the Godfather movie. A guided tour round the anti mafia museum provides much information about the history of the Mafia as well as some of its current day activities. It's 4pm before we leave and we head directly towards Agrigento. Now we have great roads and still more stunning scenery. Dusk  closes in on us but the riding is fantasic. It's dark by the time we reach the hotel but nobody cares - it's been another epic days riding in Sicily.......  Day 7: Taormina to Cefalú WHAT A DAY - did I say - WHAT A DAY!!!!?????   It was just great - the way from Taormina to Cefalù was breathtaking from the start to the end !!!!   If you riding motorcycles, all what you would ask for  to have good ride, it all was happened to us today !!!!   Winding roads / switchbacks / hairpin curves the full program and on plus  a  stunning view every second. Castle's with old little towns and friendly old Italiens who completed the Italien feeling. All in one you have to do it once In your live this road. I don't will promise to mutch but I think everybody of our tour will keep remember this day!!!   thanks to the creator of this day at Edelweiss in the name of our group!!!   2 days more to go and everybody is looking forward.   now we discover Cefalù and we will go out for dinner. See you tomorrow here axel Day 6: Taormina Hello again to our Restday - also called Etna Day Because we like to ride our bike´s and this Areal around the Etna is so beautiful, we decided to went today for a little ride and on a rest day a little bit later as on the other days. So our ride started at 10 o´clock und we went down along the coastline towards Fumifredo. Frome there on we went uphill on lovely winding roads and had our first coffee high up over the coast. Now the landscape has been touched allready by the Etna - at first heeps of wine trees and fruit farms along the way - than Forest in the national park of Etna and finaly we crost many of the lava fields. Impressiv would not dircripe enough the views and the landscape of today. Well then was the moment of the moments where we turned up at Williams Picknick. William did a really great job so the combination of a stunning view (Etna) and on the other side Williams Buffet - What do you need mor !? After the lunch break we drove up to the south side of the Etna where we had a look around and after wards we took of, back to the hotel so that everybody got a nice rest on the pool or just enjoying the sun on the balkoni. Well, another unforgettable day came after 145 km riding to an end. So tomorrow is already in our mind because we will go to Cefalù, a nice little town on the north of Sicily.   Now is Tim to go to bed to get enough energy for tomorrow's ride.   See you tomorrow  your Tourguide team  William and Axel Day 5: Parghelia to Taormina Today is the day of the days we going finally to Sicily!!!!!!!   Start was like the other days befor with perfect weather and a nice breeze on side. Today's journey took us first to Tropea for a little walk around. After discovering the little lovely town we moved on towards south where we made a great lunch at Scillia. And now just a little bit mor south we took the ferry to Messina. Here we go - welcome to Sicily!!!!!   the way on the coastline down to Taromina was just filled with picture postcard moments and on the end we top the day with a look from Forza d'Agro down to the beach and the coast line.   Another breathtaking ride is behind us and some more will be following.   William and I looking forward  Day 4: Maratea to Parghelia Good morning Maratea   After a restful night in a dreamlike setting, this morning we went first to the Statua del Cristo to top the view from the hotel.   Arriving at the top, we have been lucky becausee we were the first up there !!! After enjoying the view, we had to go down again through many hairpin bends to the coast. Along the coast our path took us to Diamante and another highlight. In Diamante himself has been 80 artists very creativ and immortalized themselves on the houses in the form of pictures, in addition there was an espresso and a portion of quality of life time what we enjoyed quite a bit. Now we went on south towards Fiumefreddo. Because there was a really fantastic fish restaurant today,on the top, close to the coastline. Where we had a reservation and they kept the the promise to make it unforgettable - so it was just good - doesn’t matter from witch plate you tried!!!!   On side again and again an fantastic view and i think the pictures speak for themselves - just awesome.   We continued later on - so let’s go south along the coast line. It was not anymore so curvy, but to drive along the coast it was stille a dream even without curves! Because on one side the mountains and on the other side the beach.   The goal of today is the Residence Tirreno which again spoils us with a great view (Tropea). Now it is time for dinner - sooooo tomorrow we continue and that is the day of the days where we will take over a ferry and go to Sicily.   See you tomorrow     Day 3: Pompei to Maratea   Welcome to the picnic day   Today we continued our journey towards Maratea.   Today a surprise awaited our new Edelweiss family - today we went to Agricola to the buffalo farm where we had our first Edelweiss Picknick. Right on the place where one of the best Mozzarellas is coming from  - at Barlotti !!!! Afterwards we went along the coastline through dreamy little fishing villages and beautiful bays to Maratea. The scenery along the way is just gorgeous and the enjoyment of this trip is more and more visible in the faces of our family - kilometre by kilometre.   I would say another fantastic day of a dream tour is behind us.     Tomorrow we go to Paghelia and then it is only a stone's throw to Sicily. So looking forward to the moment when Sicily will appear in front of us. Day 2: Pompei Good morning Good Morning   Today we went on the journey without motorcycles !!!   Because today was Pompei on our to do list.   Daniele our tour guide for Pompei picked us up at 9 am and the journey into the past could begin.   Pompei is one of the most impressive places in the world and a must have if you are in the area. We started at the Amphitheatre, we walked through the many streets and through villas to the Basilica of Pompeii. 3 hours and 2000 years in the past !!! It was impressive with every step we made!!   After the historical part of the day we went to Neaple for lunch, to taste the world famous pizza. After an exciting taxi ride we got to the restaurant Sorbillo where we got after a short time of waiting a table. Quickly the pizzas has been on the table and the hunger after our tour through the original Pompeii were satisfied. Afterwards everyone explored Neaple on their own.    Well we had to return to Pompei so back in the adventure Taxi and let´s go back to Pompei where we had a reservation in a small restaurant where the chef himself served us and spoiled us with his specialties.   A successful day came to an end but before going to bed there was espresso and one or the other dessert.   Well tomorrow we go back on the bikes and we will continue to Maratea.   See you tomorrow the tour guide team     William & Axel Day 1: Rome to Pompei Day one of our trip to Sicily   After a good breakfast at the Hotel Aurelia in Rome our day started as usual with our daily briefing.   During the briefing you could see that everyone was curious what the day brings with it and what the first highlights of our tour will be.   Well, the first thing was to get through the morning traffic of Rome today so that we will get to the first highlight - Castel Gandolfo. Once there we had a great view of the summer house of the Pope. By the way, the weather was a dream today !!!!   After that we headed towards the mountains and the first hairpin bends awaited us. Once at the top there was the reward for it - the first espresso served with a fantastic view towards Rome.   Now the destination to reach has been Sperlonga because there will be lunch today. But before there were numerous curves that made the heart beat faster and that along the numerous olive tree plantations. Simply a pleasure !!!!   Sperlonga itself just beautiful - right on the sea and numerous little restaurants, where you cut get from fish to pasta everything. After an extensive refreshment and lunch we went to the beach for an espresso. Well still a couple of kilometres to go so we went on because Pompei was been waiting for us and it is the place to be for tonight.   If you look at the day like this, it was a great introduction to our trip - dream weather - great roads - great food - and a great mood with lots of fun - thanks for this day ;-)   I am looking forward to tomorrow and think one or the other will dream of the first impressions and roads of Italy tonight.   Until tomorrow     Axel Welcome to Edelweiss Bike Travel in Rome Welcome to the heart of Italy - Rome -  Today the starting signal for our journey from Rome to Sicily will be given the meeting room is prepared the beamer is on. Today we (William & Axel) received our group who travel with us to Sicily In the welcome briefing we gave our tour participants the first information about the up coming days and well some paperwork has been always to be done. So after an exciting presentation, there was the much awaited motorcycle key handover moment where every rider has been waited for !!! Now after the Christmas moment in October everybody could sit on his motorcycle to set it up as he would like to have it. Finally it was time for our welcome dinner in the restaurant andthe first Chats about old riding moments and all the bikes we ridden started on side already. It felt almost like catching up with old fellas. Well well !!!! After all this happiness about the new toys and the long flight to Italy it was time for bed ! Because tomorrow will be ours first riding on tour !!!! It goes to Pompei - The adventure begins - what we see tomorrow you will see here in 24 hours! Until then......... William & Axel