Grand Alps Tour 2021 (CGA2102)

In perfect riding weather we start the day going down from Seefeld to the Inn valley and take on our first mountain pass road the Kühtai. After passing Imst we ride up the Hahntennjoch and finish the say on the Silvretta High Alpine Road. What a beautiful day! Meet a Tourguide at the Kühtai
Starting out on the beautiful Silvretta road, we spent a short visit to Liechtenstein before entering Switzerland. The famous Klausenpass road lead us to Andermatt, a riders paradise.
Today we were taking on the pass roads around Andermatt and startet with the old "Tremola" cobble stone road on the Gotthard pass road. Going up the Nufenen we touched the clouds before we stopped on the Grimsel to have a coffee. After taking the Sustenpass back to the Hotel everybody took the afternoon off to explore the town.
Today we leave Andermatt. The weather forecast is not great, but the rain stops when the bikes start. We attack the FurkaPass, we are almost alone. A relaxed drive along Lake Brienz for a lunch break in beautiful Thun. There are always dark clouds, but when angels travel ;-) Then we climb the Col de Pillon, Col de Croix and Col de Forclaz before arriving in Charmonix at the bottom of Monte Blanc, the highest mountain in Europe.
Today the weather was rainy, but despite that we followed the route of the Tour de France on some of the most popular mountain passes in the area and ended the day in Briancon. The weatherforecast for tomorrow is more promising :-)
As the weather did not disappoint today, we took the long restday loop down to Barcelonnette and crossed the Col de Vars and the Col de Izoard. Another small mountain pass served as a good training for the upcoming days. What a great day! The riddle of the day: where are we?
In perfect riding weather we left Briancon to cross the border into Italy. After a coffee stop in Susa we climbed the highest paved road of the Alps the Col de Iseran where we enjoyed a picknick. In the afternoon we continued to Aosta where we had some real Italian pasta for dinner. She will start very early Parking in the Italien Style Thanks Björn for a perfect Picknick
We leave Aost today through the beautiful Aosta Valley, bordered by the high mountains. We will not drive further into the great heights, but today we will enjoy the Italian Country Road with the beautiful winding roads, to get come closer to our destination on Lake Maggiore with the ferry. but before that we have a really delicious lunch with typical Italian pizza in Valloro and then after all to drive two really fantastic, fine little passes Our destination for one night today is in the neighborhood of Lugano in Paradies and the name says it all.
A lot of rain today, so we took no pictures :-(
Today we start on our last driving day. After 14 days of fantastic roads, passes, landscapes, delicious food and many experiences. our trip goes from Kaprun over the gerlos pass to the fantastic zillertaler Höhenstrasse. we were allowed to take part in the traditional cattle drive a few times. In autumn the cows are brought from the mountain to the valley. Specktacle! Finally, we bring our motorcycles to the Edelweiss garage and are packed with impressions.