CDU 2202 The Best of Australia

Today is the day – We kick off the Tour with: The Welcome Briefing To Best of Australia 5 PM and the place to be - is the meeting room in the Hotel. Michaela and I just switched on the Beamer and here they are our riders of the Down Under Tour. And one thing is clear we will have fun, because all the Story’s which has been told already from the beginning, gave us the feeling as we would know each other since weeks or month. In the briefing himself we discovered the tour on the little drawing of Michaela and Me and we could see the fire in the eyes of our riders. Of course, there have been as well a big part about riding on the Left Side which is quite heathy down here and some timetables which makes the daily business easier. After all this information’s it was time to have the first Dinner together, which has been in the Hotel and on top an advantage today because it was raining outside. Now it is almost midnight, and we all have to get some rest, so that we got enough power for the first day of riding tomorrow. Goodnight, Mate and see you tomorrow here with the first Stories of our Tour Michaela and Axel
Day 2: Sydney to Jervis Bay / Nowra Welcome to day 2 on our Tour. As it is written today, we will leave Sydney behind us. Even if Sydney is a nice Town – there is way more to see along our routes!!! First Highlight of the day: The Handover of our Steel horses. So we took a Cap to the Bikes and after a while we got ready for our first Briefing. Michaela opened our little story book where draw the way to the next destination and a Master Map behind here to get a better overview Road wise. After This the wild bunch of riders went out in the left side traffic – And I got to say they all did verrrrrrrrry well!!!! The Morning traffic was not to bad so that we came out of Sydney quite well. So we disserved after this little challenge our first Coffee. As soon as we let Sydney behind us with all the Skyscrapers we get directly in touch with the real Australia. Farms to the left and right side of the road and endless green forest on top (Eucalyptus trees all over the place) and before you ask no we had so far no Kangaroo. After some curvy Roads it was time to have some lunch to refill our batteries. And then, well sweepers which guided us through the green valley´s towards Nowra. But we have been also really good in time so that we went down to the Jervis Bay where we could have luck to see some Pinguins. If it worked out you will see on the pictures. Well, that has been our first day of riding in Australia Michaela and Axel The bikes waiting It´s Briefing Time mit Michaela Lunch stop Berrima - oldest continally licensed inn 1834 stared Fitzroy Falls 266 ft high Rules !!!! The group unfortunately no penguins, all "flighted" we needed a photographer, but he had his hands full, with a dog, so he had to be in the picture Jörn from Germany Brent - from Canada Helen and Neville - from South Africa Paul - from new Zealand Robert - from USA Priscilla - from Canada
+ Day 3: Jervis Bay to Jindabyne Good Morning or Good Evening -What ever your Time Zone is at the moment Hallo again from Australia. Today we woke up with perfect riding weather – blue sky, no clouds, and a highly motivated group of riders. After the morning briefing we went out and after a some kilometers we dived in the Morton National Park which is a high Limestone Plateau, covered with thousands of Eucalyptus trees and for Australia actually also a verry high spot – around 700 m high. The sun was shining, the roads started to guide us with nice sweepers through the park and on top we saw the first Kangaroos and Emus. I would say this start was not to bad. Temperature wise it was fresh around 15 C so If you are here in this Time of the year you should have some warmer clothe with you as well. As we dropped down on the other side of the park it was time for the first coffee stop. And from there on we went through valley´s where we have been more then less alone on the road – except from some big Trucks which got a good speed over here. The road what we have been taken has been scouted from the Aborigines in 1830 and I would say they did a great job. Nature surrounded us all day long. On the way to Canberra which has been our next highlight on this day you got already an impression how big or better how endless Australia is. What I mean you could see on some pictures, compare to Europe where you look to the right or left side of the road, you will always see houses people industry… But here, there is sometimes a Farm and then, well just breathtaking landscape – and that is Australia. Even when we came to Canberra the capital city. Usually when you say that you will ride into a capital you are expecting a lot of traffic and people, the totally opposite of our morning ride. But Canberra is totally different and why – well for this you should come on this tour, and I will tell you why. In Canberra himself we stopped at the War Memorial before we went down in the heart of the city. After we have seen this – let´s say kind peace of art – we got to move on because we made just the half of the kilometers of the day so far. And as I mentioned before – the open shir endless fields to the left and right side of the Road are just stunning. The place to be for tonight are Jindabyne which is in the Snowy Mountains – Snow!!!! – yes Australia got a lot to show of with!!! In this case it is like a mix out of mini-Alps and Australia. Why? From Canberra to Jindabyne, you don´t feel it but you constantly climb up so that you up to 1200 m over Sea Level. And on top the mountains in front of you they still got some snow on the Top´s. So, for me who lives in Austria it feel (a little) like home. Well, that was our first long riding day down here. And if I look in the eyes of all the riders: I think they liked it a lot today. Time to show you some pictures. See you tomorrow Michaela and Axel Welcome in the Snowy Mountains in Australia If you are once here in Australia - you got to go to this place - And how beautyful it is we wil show you tomorrow because we will ride throught the mountain range.
Day 4: from the Snowy Mountains Jindabyne to the flat farming Land of Wangaratta What a Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a perfect Day – a crystal clear morning + a good breakfast and on top we are looking forward to this day from the beginning. The start of our ride today, brought us directly into the Kosciuszko National Park – what a pleasure to ride through – this nature is so fascinating over here – I don’t find the words to describe it you got to ride it to feel what felt today. The road through the snowy mountains is narrow and you can’t ride fast through it but also you don’t want to. This place got some magic. Also, the several kilometers afterwards until we find the Kangaroos. Well from there on the scenery changed step by step – the mountains changed to big hillsides and all along the way – there have been Steaks (cattle’s) walking around on the fields. In between also heaps of horse ranges. This place is unbelievable beautiful. When you look at the pictures you will get a briefly idee what we have seen today. Towards Wangaratta, the hills despaired in our mirrors and the heat of Victoria have been felt for the first time. What I can promise right now is that this riding day will be for a looooooong time in your mind. Well, that has been our day today Michaela and Axel
Day 5: Wangaratta to Melbourne/ Geelong This has been a fun run today - i can tell Theme of the day: Curves Curves Curves Welcome to day 5. Yesterday I wrote that is was a great ride because of the nature and the roads which we have been on. But I got to rethink it totally! This day beat the day from yesterday by far. After some kilometers out of Wangaratta the fun just started up to the Powers Lookout. And after this it just went on and on and on. This day was like the best rollercoaster I have been on. On top the scenery where we went through on roads like the Eildon Jamieson Road. Which made us smile for over 60 kilometers. The final highlight was for sure the road towards Yarra Glen. All in one this day is made for rider which loves to ride curves. Now we are on the Ferry to Devonport/ Tasmania where we will start our day 6 verry early because the Ferry arrives at 5:30. Well a other day in paradise comes to an end and now we trie to get along whith the waves and the movement of the Ferry. See you tomorrow Michaela and Axel when you realize that you are in the wrong vehicle
Day 6: Devonport to Queenstown Hello Again from Tasmania. Yes Tasmania as I said last time. The Ferry brought us over night to Tasmania and we reached Devonport by 5:30 isch, so it is as a early start. After we came down from the Ferry it was time for a breakfast and a strong coffee to open up our eyes for the ride. The first highlight of the day was the Cradle Mountain and the Tasmanian Devil station. The first downside of the day has been for sure the temperature because we went down to 7 C and clouds. So a frosty start in the day has been ours. The road to Cradle Mountain is just beautiful and the landscape what is surrounding this nice narrow road is totally different to Australia. Yes the forest is similar from the plants but the trees in the forest himself are so close to each other that it looks more than less like a green wall. Arrived at Cradle Mountain we needed one more coffee to head up again – some of us bought new hats to get warmer. Sometimes it is just crazy how quick the weather changes. Because of the weather and the clouds there was the question already answered – if we go up or not. So, we went straight to the Tasmanian Devils location where we get in touch with these little fellers. After figuring out what’s cute and not cute on this Devils and how they build the caves and what they cut make better, by the way we got on the tour - a cave specialist - who explained us the important things – what you have to watch out if you build one….. and somtimes you had the feeling that he got a conection to the devils and wobads ;-). Anyway, it was time to move on and until the next highlight the Weather changed complete. So, today we went from almost snow to 20 C in the shade. Not bad for one day. So the next Photo stop has been the Henty Dunes, close to Strahan, where we went up. I can tell you, this was a challenge but worth it!!!! On side, I got to say – Paul went up the dunes, as he would do this every day – so, thanks Paul that you gave us some head start before you went up. Now it was time for some lunch and in Strahan we found the right spot with right food and on top a porch where we enjoyed the beautiful weather and sun with the view over the harbor of Strahan. From here on we had just 1 h hour to ride to Queenstown where we stay for tonight. But this road was once more a big pleasure – curves curves curves – all what we needed. Because of the early start today we arrived also earlier as usually and that why some of our group went out to have a look around in this old mining town and the museum. That has been day 6 and by the way: if you are once in your live here!!! Never trust the weather forecast on the west coast – here is everything possible Time to check the pictures, so see you tomorrow with the highlights on the way to Hobart Michaela and Axel
Day 7: Queenstown to Hobart - Through The Green Heart Of Tassi - Goodbye Queenstown and let´s start the engines into a new adventure, called Day 7. Today our journey start with the sun in our faces and a mountain range directly to the start of the day. On the way out of Queenstown we stopped after some kilometers on an old mining ground, where got a breathtaking view over the valley and a small idee what we will be riding through, in the next hours. As I said only an idee!!! Dropping down from the hill into the national park Franklin River was such a fun!!! Imagine, almost no traffic and a winding road, which has been built in into the valley – no bridges, no mountain which has been moved – just the road who was like a sneak in the nature. The tarmac was great, and we could just enjoy the run. First stop after the fun run, has been a Tasmanian rainforest, where we make a walk to get in touch with the element. Everybody who you ask what how a rainforest might be will answer something like: A lot of animals and the sound of their communication ….. But here it is totally different you will hear the water of the river and suddenly some noise from a bird – but that’s it. Silence all over the place. After the little like it was time to move on and cover some more kilometers until we stopped for part 2 – Lake St. Clair. A beautiful Lake which is surrounded by mountains and on some are still some snow patches. Besides the view it was also time to have some coffee and, in this case, the first real coffee on this tour but we got also Sugar man on Tour – so, he got his piece of cake on top. From here on we had to cover some kilometers and sometimes you will take some highway so that you got more time for the nice spots. But here in Tasmania there is no Highway on this day – there is only one never ending curvy road where are we on and that is good or better just perfect!!!! The ride to the Lunchtime spot and also the next Highlight took a while – but on the end we will never forget this national park where we have been riding through. It was a great ride. After we recharged our power level we moved one more time on towards Hobart where we will stay for the next 2 days. All in One – the words: another day in Paradise could not fit better then here on this Tour. And as usual!!! Now you will see some pictures what we captured today. Michaela and Axel
Day 8: Rest Day in Hobart It is Rest day at the Best Australia Tour – but that means not that we are not riding!!!!! Well that’s not totally true – some of us used the day to discover Hobart and the history of the biggest city in Tasmania. What they have seen we will know tomorrow when we catch up for the next riding day to Launcester. The other part of the group went with we out. Our goal for today has been Port Arthur which is a former prison in the Australian penal colony in the Australian state of Tasmania and is now one of the island's major tourist attractions. For the way to Port Arthur we went on the highway to get there before all the tourist wake up and will go there as well on this cloudy day. As we arrived the sun came out and we walked around this historical place down here. Port Arthur himself besides this dark history is super nice – it is like a park where you would like to spend your day of. This is for sure a strange mix. After this we went on to the Pirates Bay where we had lunch (Fish and Chips – a classic down here). The weather has been changing from cloudy to sunny a couple of time – but for riding a bike it was just perfect. The way back was highlighted with some curvy roads along the coastline before we came back to Hobart. It is still early on this afternoon and so got the riders some time to check out Hobart and find the right place for dinner, because tonight everybody can eat on his own. This ride today was not the longest one, but it felt like you are going out for a ride on the weekend with your friends. That has been our Rest Day down here and tomorrow we gone ride 425 kilometers with some highlights. So stay tuned Michaela and Axel
Day 9: Hobart to Launceston The Day of wind and Rain It is time to go northwest on Tasmania!!! Today it was not the start that we have been looking for. Last night it start already to rain and it did not stop in the morning. On top there came a strong brise of wind, all in one it was not a riding weather. But we can´t change it, and so we went out and made the best of it. On the way out of Hobart we got good shacked by the wind and even in the hinterland it was – mmmm, let´s say fresh. The highlights of the day has been Freycinet National Park and the Elephant pass and in between even in this conditions – the landscape was fascinating and beautiful. Well if you got 12 C and rain, then is a coffee stop with a nice heated room almost the same like a sauna – and all what you need to be happy. Besides the weather this ride today is not borring at all and even in the rain we enjoyed most of it. The down side of the day is: if its ugly like today there are not many pictures and so you will see just some rare ones. The places where we have been to today let us feel the charm what they have and how beautiful it must be on a sunny day over here. As I said before – it is what it is – and some thinks you cant change. On the end of the day we are in Launceston and of course on the end of the day the sun came out. But now we looking forward to tomorrow, because the weather should be better and the batteries are recharged so that we will get back on track – picture wise. For today that’s all what I can say, so see you tomorrow Michaela and Axel
Day 10: Launceston to Fähre Devonport - Melbourne Hallo Hallo – A nice riding day is just finished and we are on the ferry to Geelong/ Melbourne. But let´s start with the morning/ yesterday evening. We got an awesome dinner at the country club where we stayed overnight. And today we started with a good breakfast and then – well then we hit the road and this road today was from the start until we went on the ferry just what we needed after yesterday. When you travel a lot – you might understand what I mean by writing this. Sometimes when you travel the world, besides all this politics’ problems, is just feeling perfect, and today was one of this day´s for me – even if I was riding the support van behind the group. The landscape was not boring for one second and when you got the right playlist on the speaker – well there is nothing what can stop you. What I mean with the landscape is: imagine you riding along a twisty curvy road in almost perfect condition and then you see all day long on the right and left side of the road the stunning landscape of Tasmania, which is taking your breath away with all this open fields, forest which been colorist in green and red, then all the cattle ranges, where you see the happy steaks walking around and having a good time. You see it is hard to make a point with all these impressions from the day. I promise you if you are once down here in Tassi – You Will Love It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Later on the day we went down along the coastline to cover all the sceneries which Tassi can bring up. And then – well- it was time for lunch and today we surprised the group with a Picnic on the seaside. Surprise surprise !!!! The Highlights of the Day has been the mother nature of Tassi and the roads which has been guiding us through this landscape and tonight we will start to miss Tassi because the time over here is over – the ferry will bring us back to the mainland of Australia where we will take on the Great Ocean Road. I don´t want to spoil to much but it will be great in the next day´s!!!! No we deserve a beer at the bar on the ferry where we salute to Tassi and will say Thank You for treating us this well. Tassi we will see you one day again!!! But for now – our thoughts drifting already towards Australia and all the places which we will see in the next day´s. See you later over here Michaela and Axel
Day 11: Geelong/ Melbourne to Apollo Bay Hallo Again Australia – here we are!!!! Today, like on the day to Tassi it was an early start from the ferry and so has been the first mission to find a coffee what got coffee and something to eat – sounds easy but somehow it is not. Some served just coffee and the other – well, just the other half. But anyway we managed that we got something to eat. And then – the ride began! Not far away from Geelong is Torquay and this place is well known around the world for surfing. So we went for it and we visit the Surf Museum to get in touch with the spirit of this surfer spot and the history which is behind. Close by is the Bells Beach where we stopped as well to see what is it all about surfing. And as you can see on the pictures all the Dudes on the boards they just catch some waves before they go to work – I would say that’s like us in some cases – We take the bike and ride to work if we can. Next stop has been the famous Great Ocean Road and of course we stopped there as well to take a picture for the memories. From there on we have been riding on the Great Ocean Road until we turned into the hinterland to get some more curves and to stop for lunch. The weather over there has been quite refreshing with 12 C, but it went better when we came back to the Coastline to Apollo Bay where we will sleep tonight. Tomorrow is picture day – what I mean is: if you google the Great Ocean Road you will always see the twelf apostel, London bridge….. So tomorrow we should be sure that we not run out of power on our cameras. Yeah that was our day 11 Michaela and Axel Bells Beach at the morning Good place - good lunch A lot of suger
Day 12: Apollo Bay to Warrnabool The Day of Pictures and mixed Weather Here we go again on Day 12 How do we start? Well, at first maybe with my nice try to have an impact at the weather – What I mean is – I put official my Rain Dress in the Van and said – tomorrow it will be all right – This was actually exactly working until we cached up to go for dinner, so almost 40 min, and so we had already rain in the Evening. It is not really surprising because we are stay in Victoria’s most rainfall arear in the southwest. Well somethings you just can´t change!!! The morning started slightly better, and we got sun rain sun rain and again sun and rain – temperature wise we thought we are in the fall in Europe, it dropped down to 7 C again – not the best start in day I would say. First Target at the day: We want to see Koalas and so we started riding through the National Park Otway with on eye on the road and one in the trees. But we have been successful as you can see. As an extra highlight we kidnapped our riders to the Giant Tree walk at the park and this is only for people they are not afraid about Heights. Because this walk through the Trees is between 25 & 30 meters over the ground and sometimes shaky!!!! But all this was worth it – on one hand it was a long walk and on the other this rainforest is great. Several pictures later and a long way back to the bikes – we had burned all the calories from all day´s before. I ask Brent how much he hated me for this exercise, and he rated me around 3, I would say – but he also did not want to miss it. Now it has been time for lunch and Michaela surprised the riders with a nice picknick at the 12 Apostel where we stopped for the famous pictures. This surprise just worked out because nobody was expecting anything today. From there on we stopped a couple of times more to see all the famous places of the Great Ocean Road. The Weather, just on side!!!!, went better and better as you can see on our pictures. Now we are staying one night in Warrnabol and tomorrow we must give our bikes back and this tour is just over – crazy how quick the time goes by if you see so many breathtaking places. We wish you fun by look at the pictures and maybe you like to see these places live!!!! Well than we are looking forward to showing you around in Down Under Michaela and Axel .... and Parrots Picknick is ready without rain - Sunshine-Girl is there The new decorations on a BMW
Day 13: Warrnambool to Melbourne Our last Day of riding in Down Under!!!! So quick can it be. It feels like yesterday that we started in Sydney and now we are in Melbourne. But before we come to the goodbye moment – first some words of our riding day today. Michaela made one more briefing in the morning and the way from Warrnambool to Melbourne is not the ride with a lot of highlights as we used from the last day. But it is a ride where we get once more the impression how big Australia is. Along these almost never-ending straight roads with all the cattle farms and sheep farms to the right and left and the view where you get the feeling that you can look day´s ahead, because there are no mountains – just fields it is somehow crazy. In the first moment when you ride you think that is quite boring but on the other hand you got some time to realize what we have seen along this fantastic ride in the last days. You could see in the faces of our riders that this ride had build up some memories for the future. The highlights today have been the 230 square kilometer small lake of Corangamite and the old Gold Mining Town of Ballarat where we had also lunch. The saddest moment of today was for sure the return of the Bikes just before Melbourne because that is the end of the Tour. In this case also a good moment because we had not to ride through the crazy traffic of Melbourne – and I can tell you that feels like Rome/Italy in the rush-hour!!!! Now we are in the heart of Melbourne, and we will catch up one more time for a dinner together. Along the dinner we chatted about all the moments what we had, the places we have seen, and everybody was teasing each other one more time. What a lough we had. Well, and then came to Moment of the first goodbye, because some of us had to catch the plain early in the morning and the rest is staying one more night in town. As in Insider – one of use will have to make a long walk on these day´s and my thoughts are with him – because I know how he love to make more than 20000 steps – Good luck Brent. And we two (Michaela and Me) we have to return our Van to Sydney – So an other road trip is just starting. We like to thank you all for this great ride and all the memories which we have been creating in these 14 days. And we hope we see us again – somewhere – somehow!!!! The end of an Adventure is just the time before the next on will start. Michaela and Axel over and out PS: you will Michaela next in Asia and I´m almost on the way to New Zealand so if like to see more from our Tours just stay tuned. you can't see it, but it's just across the s - Victoria's largest lake - Ballerat She did it - we dit it Our wild bunch of riders from Down Under Once more thanks for the ride