Ultimate Alps Tour / CUA1204
17 Sep 2012

Day 8:
Today is our last riding day and we sure having a good time again. First we stopped at the famous Dorfstadel in the Kühtai valley, where we had a very good apple strudel. On a nice little mountain road we continued on to our picnic stop along the Isar river. In the afternoon we had a little bit of rain, there for we went straight to the hotel only with a short stopover in the town Bad Tölz.
Day 7:
How fast the time goes by! This was the second last riding day and we still could not get enough of this unbelievable place. Leaving Bolzano we headed for Austria mastering another three mountain passes with heights up to 7500 feet. After having done Penser Joch and Jaufenpass – inbetween we had the best plum dumplings on earth – we ended up in some fog on Timmelsjoch with sight below 30 feet. What surprise it was when we came arround the corner end entering Austria the sky turned into bright and warm sunshine at the very end of the Oetztal Valley. After a short brake to take some pictures and sunbeams we got on our bikes to finally end up at an outstanding peaceful place: Here in Niederthai time seems to be nothing else then just a word: Surrounded for 360° by beautiful mountains and lots of fresh air the evening turned into beeing almost a wellness therapy.
By the way, if you´d like to know where these magnificent dumplings are to be tasted, book the Edelweiss Ultimate Alps Tour ...
Where is the rest of the world?
They still can not believe it ...!
Any questions???
Day 6 ("Restday"):
What to do on a restday in the middle of a Motorcyle-Tour and being based in Bolzano for two nights? Riding – what else! As the weather forecast promised a sunny and well tempered day two groups took the early bird and headed of for two different routes to discover the most beautiful mountains on our beautiful world. The Dolomites! Hundrets of turns and a number of mountain passes were waiting to be rode: Group 1 mastered Passo di Lavaze, Passo di Rolle, Passo di Cereda, Passo Duran, Passo di Fedaia, Passo di Colstalunga. Group 2 mastered Passo di Costalunga, Passo Pordoi, Passo Giau, Passo Falzarego, Passo di Valparola, Passo di Gardena and Passo Pinei.How it was? In one word: Breathtaking! But much better would be to ask the tourmembers themselves ...
Great playground - Passo Giau
One turn out of hundreds - on the way to Passo Falzarego
One turn out of hundreds - on the way to Passo Falzarego
Where else could it taste better ...
Day 5:
The ideal word to describe today would be surreal! The weather, the scenery and the roads were perfect. We started off with a little bit of over cast in the morning, but by the time we had our first coffee stop the sky was about to clear. We continued the ride and the weather became better and better. We had lunch near a little town called Ponte di Legno, at a small pizza place.
In the afternoon the group split up in to two groups. One wanted to go to the hotel a bit earlear and the other group wanted to throw in a bunch of extra passes. Never the less both of us had great weather and a nice afternoon riding in the Alps.
Day 4:
Wow – just finished an astonishing day that differs from all days before: In Zermatt we started by TRAIN! Then a bunch of guys out of the group thought about changing their MC into a Ferrari. But finally they stayed with them and ended up in an area that offerd narrow, twisty roads like never seen before and being improving everyones riding perfomance. All this was accompanied by a beautyful sunny day and crowned by a marvelous lunch at a beautyful restaurant at the lake side of Lago Maggiore. Hmm, just the name sounds like music ...
Cool - Not only the temperature! Chris at almost 32 °F on top of „Simplon Pass“
Hmm – should we take that one instead of ? ...
All grinning - although nothing on the plate yet!
Who wants to preserve his Motorcyle takes a ferry ...
Day 3:
Our third day turned out to be a real adventure! First thing in the morning we noticed was the heavy rain. We headed west along the shore of the Vierwaldstädtersee and crossed the lake with a little ferry. After doing that we had a nice little coffee stop in a town called Meiringen. From there on we had to make a choice to go on the long or the short route. The majority has spoken and we took the short route going directly to the Rohn glacier where we had lunch and went in to the ice grotto. On the way to the glacier we had the real challenge on a pass called Grimselpass. It was raining and the temperature was -2°C/28°F. After doing the pass the sun came out and we had a great view on to the surrounding mountains. The ride to the hotel was nice and we actually ended up having a great view to the Matterhorn.
Day 2:
Second day is done and we successfully arrived at Brunnen in our todays destination: Hotel Vierwaldstädterhof. What a Location, what a Dinner and the rooms are so nice – the perfect finish of a perfect day: We mastered the Furkajoch and the Klausenpass, and inbetween we entered two different countries within 45 Minutes and had a delicious picknick right in the forrest. What a beautiful day!
Day 1:
We could not ask for a better day to start the Ultimate Alps Tour in motorcycle haven. We rolled out of Erding with not even one cloud in the sky and then we went on to explore King Ludwigs hunting lodge. In the afternoon we mastered the challenging road up to Hahntennjoch and enjoyed the magnificent view from the top of the pass.
...starting in Erding
...garden picture at Linderhof
...up on the Hahntennjoch