Rome To Sicily - RTS1203
10 Okt 2012

9. Bring em back to Catania - Day, 20.10.12
Last riding day. We did the last klicks on the bikes and headed to Catania. After the farewell dinner we had to say goodbye. Thanks to everybody for a fantastic tour. See you next time!
8. Mafioso - Day, 19.10.12
We rode our bikes through Mafioso - country: Corleone & Prezzi. Beautiful weather, again great food, lots of curves, ... perfect!
7. Go North - Day, 18.10.12
We had to leave the fantastic hotel in Tropea and steered our bikes into the mountains. We took some pictures in the lavafields.
We went on and had picnic in Sperlinga.
6. Volcano - Day, 17.10.12
We rode up to Mount Etna. The roads were awesome and the weather just perfect.
5. Bienvenuti in Sicilia - Day, 16.10.12
We left the hotel in Tropea and headed South. Finally we reached the ferry who brought us to the island. Bienvenuti in Sicilia! Some needed more curves and decided to go on an extra loop. What a fantastic ride it was!
Enjoy your honeymoon with Edelweiss Bike Travel!
4. Escape from the rain – Day, 15.10.12
The group split up in the morning. Some tourmembers took the shorter route directly to Tropea. Others enjoyed some twisty roads in the hills. We escpaed the rain and rode our bikes at warm temperatures.
3. Rest - Day, 14.10.12
Some Tourmembers decided to go on a ride others stayed at the hotel or enjoyed the spa. We rode on Monte San Biagio and were impressed by the huge Jesus Christ satue: Il Redentore. What a view from the top of the hill!
We went on to have a coffee. But wait a minute! Didn't we leave with two tourguides and not just one?! Fortunately he catched up with us for lunch! And how great was it! Just for us the owner opened the restaurant and spoiled us with the best lunch so far: Bruschetta, Pasta con Verdure e Gamberetti, Scampi. Everything fresh- and homemade. At least as he found out that there was somebody in the group celebrating her birthday we couldn't stop him anymore. We sang and celebrated the birthday child's big day! Perfect!
Happy Birthday!
2. Am I on a Scuba Dive - Trip? - Day, 13.10.12
Hector guides us to the ancient city of Pompej. After a huge vulcano eruption the hole city was covered with ash. Many years later exhumations started and the city saw daylight again. Impressive.
After that we rode along the Amalfi coast. Beautiful little villages awaited us. After getting in touch with the local police we've got tested very hard. It seemed that the hole sky poured over us and we felt like doing a scuba dive trip. At least after the delicious dinner at the romantic hotel everybody got their smile back.
2. Leaving Rome - Day, 12.10.12
It wasn't fun at all to hear thunder and see lightning during breakfast. This can not be the tourstart! As soon as we very ready to leave the hotel in Rome, the sky cleared up and it became a fantastic day!
We enyojed the first italian Cappucino and some deliciuos pastries at the first coffee stop. Lunch in Sperolonga and hotel in Pompej. It was a good start.
Best advice for driving on Italian Autostrada: STAY COOL!
1. Briefing - Day, 11.10.12
Pre Day, 10.10.12