Back in Erding: Alps and Lakes CAL1302
09 Jun 2013

We have made it: we are back in Erding! All riders and bikes have found their way back to Germany - even though it was not easy to leave the Alps behind! It just doesn't get more beautiful than this:
On our Alps and Lakes Tour we found spectacular scenery, great roads, delicious food and - most important - wonderful new friends!
Rest day on our motorcycle tour through the Austrian Alps! But with this group, nobody really wanted to rest. The destination was too tempting: the Grossglockner High Alpine Road!
The scenery in this part of the Alps can only be described in one word: breathtaking!
For some, this was not yet enough: Dave, Chad and Aaron visited Italy and the Dolomites. Ben and Lindsay went even higher - paragliding!
Today the Alps and Lakes Tour really deserved its name. The whole group started out on the Traunsee:
We tried to organize our own lunch on the adjacent Attersee - but the only success we had was to get a local fisherman a bit mad...
So we had to rely on Michael's picnic-lunch on the shore of the Hallstaetter See.
The picnic looked great but the scenery was not bad either!
What a gorgeous day! The weather was cloudy, but we didn't see a drop of rain!
Our first stop was the Eagle's Nest, high up over Berchtesgaden.
Next came several scenic mountain roads, some not much wider than 6 feet!
The highlight today were the Austrian pastries on the Post Alm: Apple Strudel, Apricot Dumplings, Kaiserschmarren...
And now we are in Gmunden, in a beautiful hotel on the shores of the Traunsee - and the sun is out!
We are on our way! We left Erding this morning in two groups- one headed for King Ludwig's palace Herrenchiemsee, the other headed straight towards the Alps. After our first lunch in Austria we continued our ride on beautiful mountain roads along the German-Austrian border.
In the late afternoon we arrived in Salzburg and checked into our hotel, where the luggage was already waiting in our rooms. In the evening the sight-seeing started: Mozart's birthplace, the famous Residenz,...
After so much work, the great dinner in Europe's oldest restaurant and a final beer in a rooftop bar were well deserved!
Ready, set, go (tomorrow)!
Everybody has arrived in time - our Alpine tour is about to start. BMW, Triumph and Honda are the brands on this motorcycle tour through the Alps.