VIVA CUBA !!! - the best of it! Part 1 (CCB1601)
29 Feb 2016

This was supposed to be a blog about the Edelweiss tour 'Best of Cuba' that has been taking place just now. But it rather turns out to be a travelogue about two groups of motorcycle enthusiasts getting immersed in a culture of an island that, apart from it's vivid past, has so much more to discover...
No doubht, there are many new things to those who travel Cuba for the first time, but on the other hand there are so many things, which make it easy to just float along with the Cuban way of life, such as the very amicable welcome of the Cubans, their happines, the Salsa music, of course, the vintage cars, the pleasant temperatures and a lot more. The combination of impressions attracts your senses and makes it easy for you to unwind. What a pleasure cruising around on our motorcycles with our minds open to the diversity Cuba has to offer - let's go and discover it!