Training Tour - EBK16TG

Training Tour - EBK16TG

17 Apr 2016
/Laurens Corijn
/Danilo Perini
/Lukas Schiebe
/Björn Greibig
/Jonas Stecher
A small supplement... Last day of the tourguide training.  Day four....we started from the lovely lake side town of Levico Terme..... Pierre was the leader this morning.  The group headed for Lago Di Molveno. We enjoyed a nice coffe stop there and the splendid scenery.  Simply breath taking.....however this tour is not just about riding gorgeous country side... the Edelweiss powers that be put pressure on the new tour guides to see how they can deal with real life tour pressure. Trust me, they certainly know how to do this.......missing passports, lost customers, missing cell phones of the tourguides....anything that you can imagine. It is all good, for this will make us a l better tour guides. After an awesome picnic lunch prepared by Peter and Rob it was off for more riding. Jonus then took over as tour guide, and for sure he was tested too.......angry lost customers and you can only imagine what else.  the group made another coffe stop, and had a late arrival in Bozen, where everyone enjoyed a first class dinner.    The focus of the tour is not really on riding that much, because of that we will only be riding a few routes between Bolzano and Levico Al Terme, switching hotels every day, back-and-forth. The main goal is that every tour guide gets to practice every aspect of guiding tours in a setting that is as realistic as possible!