Vietnamese and Cambodian thunder in Europe.......................................
15 Sep 2016

On the ninth day............. we were once again blessed with near perfect weather. And as they say all "good things must come to an end!"..... this tour was not was fantastic, for our guest and the tour guides....different cultural backgrounds united by one passion...... the big twins of Harley Davidson unites like no other. On our last day...we started in Bolzano...we headed north to conquer the famous Timmelsjoch......... a high alpine pass connected Italy and Austra. It was a brilliant late summer day....only a few clouds in the sky. Twisting and turning...up then down we enjoyes a nice lunch at an Asian restaurant...... afterwards it was time to knock down a few more kilometers of fantastic roads. We arrived back in Mieiming to part with our bikes......... a wise man once said..."do not be sad it is glad it happened"... thanks to our fabuloes guest from Vietnam and Cambodia a trip of a life time for all of us!! The tour guides are just as thankful to you as you are to us!! lets do it agian some time......"saddle up, lets ride"!!!!!
On the 5th day...we left Europes largest rally and headed south to Italy....the roads from Faak lead us through Slovenia, where we enjoyed great mountain roads and a National Park, topped off with a wonderful lunch......the landscape was simply incredible... the road eventually flatened out and we cruised into Marino, Italy, near Venice!!...... tomorrow is a "rest day"....but I am sure some folks will venture out on the bikes......or perhapdls check out the legendary city that is only a short distance away......
Day four....another amazing day... we joined 10,000 bikes..YES 10,000 for the annual Faaker See, European bike week pafade. The roads are all shut down for the parade, which is about 60 km. Lining up two hours before hamd was just part of the fun.. and our group drew alot of attention... the other riders around us certainly noticed the H.OG. patches on the back of our guests. Then off for a ride around the beautiful area of Faaker See...led by...none other than Bill Davidson....... speaking of him, he was so kind to join our group for about 45 minutes later on in the afternoon. Autographs and photos for everyone....... after that it was tike to take in the sights, smells and sounds of Europe's largest motorcyle rally......... wharlt an awesome experience for us all thus far......tomorrow we head to Venice......
And the journey continues......... we headed off from Hartmannsdorf, after visiting a very cool museum, a private colllection infact, VERY impressive and laid some tread down towards FAAKER SEE!!!!!! more and more Harley's on the read..from all over Europe, there was even a plate lscense plated spotted from Quebec...... can you imagine that??!! Tomorrow we head to the event, we will join the parade and meet up with one of the family members from the Legendery Davidson is gonna be good!!!!!!!! Check is gonna be Epic!!
A storm was brewing in South East Asia............... it has blown into Europe and is heading toward Faaker See...........if you listen closely you can hear the rolling three famous HOG chapters from Hanoi, Saigon and Phnom Penh are rolling toward EUROPEAN BIKE WEEK 2016......We set of on the first day in perfect weather from Seefeld, Austria.......zigged zagged in and out of Germany a few times..where we all enjoyed a great Schnitzel..and finally are bedding down for the night in the city of Mozart aka,,,,,,Salzburg, Austria. what a day.....awesome roads spectacular scenry, good eats and a nice beer at the end of the day. The group was so excited to get rolling this they were geared up at 7:30 am................ we hit the road a short time later for a great day............THIS IS WHY WE RIDE!!!!!!!!!
DAY TWO!!! more of the same briliant weather as we rolled out on our throttles and hammered out some kilometers between Salzburg and Hartmannsdorf. The twist and curves climbs and dessents were breath taking.......the amazing beauty of Austrial is something to treasure. Once again the only hint of even slightest of bad weather only came from the thunder from our engines....and the thunder is getting the closer we get to FAAKER SEE, the more and more free spirited Harley Davidson riders we see on the pilgramage to Europes NUMBER ONE motorcycle event........
tune back in tomorrow...the epicness of this ride will continue............. keep the shiny side up!!
European Bike Week Faaker See 2016