The land of the even longer white cloud - New Zealand Extension CNS1901
01 Feb 2019

Day 6 - Russel and the return to Auckland
Sadly our last riding day is upon us - but it's not all over yet; we've still got to make it back to Auckland, and it all begins with the return journey along the Old Russel Road! What a way to start the day!
Day 5: to the Bay of Islands
Day 4 - Cape Reinga
A great rest-day ride out to the northern most point of New Zealand today; Cape Reinga. Excellent weather, fantastic roads and magnificent scenery were the rewards
Day 3: Whangarei to the Far North
Day 2: Tairua to Whangarei
Day 1: Auckland - Coromandel - Tairua
Day 0! A rest day ride from Auckland
Sadly most of our group departed today, but there are still 5 serious riders keen to continue their adventure. 4 so keen in fact that they went for a great 300km ride on the rest day in Auckland! Great roads and perfect weather was their reward