Scandinavian Dreams Special
21 Aug 2019
Day 1: From Oslo into the Telemark
Day 2: From Telemar to the South-West Coast
Day 3: From Sola to Bergen
Day 4: From Bergen to Skei
Day 5: From Skei to the fjord of fjords: Geiranger
Day 6: From Geiranger to Ålesund.
Day 7: Loop from Ålesund to Trollstigen, Valldal and back.
Last riding day: Loop to Atlanterhavsveien (the Atlantic Ocean Road).
Vi did the Atlantic Ocean Road as it it should be done: in heavy rain, 13 degrees celcius and with strong winds blowing in from the North Atlantic sea.
As the guide said on the morning briefing - we will not see much, but we will feel it !
In fact it was so wet that no pictures where taken outside that day (have you tried to unlock an operate a smartphone in really wet conditions - if not, try it sometime).