Norway Touring Center

And we are ready to rill again! Last night finally all riders and oassengerstarrived in Alesund. After the welcome briefing and the bike hand over , we had a nice dinner in our hotel and bow we are ready for the first loop !
Today was the day where everybody was looking forward to: the famous Geiranger fjord. With its spectacular views and waterfalls it is a place you should not easy forget. With way more dryer weather than predicted, we made a very nice loop around the fjords towards the Dalsnibba viewing point towatds Geiranger. Concluding it with a short fjord cruise to Helleylt it was a day to remember!
Today the Norwegian weather gods were not very much cooperative with our tour.! But nevertheless we took off early towards the highlights of today: the famous Trollstigen road with 11 hairpins under a breathtaking scenery. Luckily.despite the low clouds we were able to have some great views over the mountains and valleys. A nice lunch , the famous strawberry cake in the afternoon and a visit at the Rose church made our day!
Our final day of the touring center started off with quite some rain but ended like a good tour ahould end: with the sun breaking through, beautiful blue skiea appearing between the clouds. Today we rode on the famous Atlantic roads axxomoanied by a firm southweatwrn breeze which gave us a little push in the back. At our returning point we had a nice and warm lunch with a fantastic bacaljau: a stew made of dried codfish and vegetables and fruit. Then of course facing the firm breeze but after the kast ferry ride our riding gear had enough time to dry out. At last a great dinner with a view over Alesund, just like it should end! Thank you all for riding with menthos week. A great group of riders and great company! Hope to seeyou all again somewhere, sometime on the road again!