SPT 22066 Tour en España

Welcome to Day 2 from Our Tour!!!! After a nice Welcome Evening and a good sleep, we all has been showing up at the breakfast on time – and you could feel that everybody is ready to take off!! But not so quick!!!!! First, we had to get organized and of course we had our first morning briefing – I know some you will think: How many briefings do they make on a Tour and why!? Simply every morning, we do one, and in this meeting, we will explain the route and some safety Tip´s and also we will let you know what highlights we will see and which magic places we will guide you too. After all this theory – it is time to write about the day! Once on the Bikes we surrounded Barcelona on the Highway to get quick to the roads where we belong – Winding Roads in a breathtaking Scenery – What means we dived into the National Park of Montseny. The Park himself is like a green heaven out of trees, the roads have been winding through the forest and the theme of the park was more than less: Curves Curves Curves!!!! But riding is not everything – so we stopped after a while for a picture and to take a big zip out of our water bottles because the temperature was climbing up to 34 C in the shade. On the way down towards the Coastline of the Costa Brava the road has been just a pleasure of riding – curve after curve we made our way down to the coastline where we had lunch close to the beach and where we get some rest from the sun. For me – I got to say: This is a great start into the Tour and this roads are in such a good shape – for me I call it already Bikers Heaven So now it is time to load up some pictures that you got an idea of the places where we have been today. Spoiler for tomorrow: We will have a big riding day and there will be more breathtaking Moments what will nobody for sure forget – 3 Countries on one day – I looking forward to it See you Tomorrow here Julian Axel and Elias
Day 3: and this let us feel the power of mother Nature Well Today is the day of Andorra Spain and France – 3 Countries on one Day With the Motto of: The early Bird catches the … - We started the our day. Breakfast today at 7:30 and Luggage until 8 in the Van on Top a briefing at the Bikes and here we come Day 3. The big Goal of our Group was to go shopping in Andorra but the main thing had never change – We are here to ride a bike in an unbelievable landscape!!!! After the rain last night it got a sunny morning with some clouds but the weather forcast has been nooooooot gooood at all – Rain for the rest of the day. On this point you can be mad or sorry or what ever or you take it like it is and you make the best out of it!!! So we did!!!! The narrow curvy roads in the morning has been a nice practice for the passes what we took on today (Col d'Ares or Collada de Toses (1800m) or Port d'Envalira (2408m) orCol d'Ordino (1981m)) It was a pleasure to ride this road, even in the rain which hit us at around 10 o´clock. On the other Hand it is somehow always funny for us Tourguides - to see all the new rain gear – what have been never used before. After this the show of getting into the rain clothes we went on. And I got to make a compliment to all the riders how good they have done in these conditions. After a short lunch and some Espresso we went on and on and on to reach Andorra – where just crossed the Border and several liters of rain later we have been on the place to be for our Groupe – a Motorcycle Store where on or the other just get some new boots for this weather conditions. But if i reflect the day and as hard as I trie to find the right words – there is somehow no way today – the only solution what I find right now is - you got to ride this day in this landscape to feel what we have seen today!!! So time for Dinner and of course for some pictures but in this rain there are not that much today. Maybe tomorrow more Julian Axel and Elias
DAY 4: La Seu d’Urgell to Aínsa – What A Ride – So Far This Is One Of the Best Day´s What I Ever Had Welcome to Day 4 – If you riding a Bike and you looking for an perfect day? Than would be this day like the script for it!!!!! In the morning our highly motivated Groupe of Riders had a briefing as usually - but we saved the good part so that our Groupe had just a small idea what we will do today, on top we had a surprise – Today was Picnic Day As you can see, it get´s never boring with us on Tour!! Well, I trie to describe the the Track off today but I can´t promise that It will work! Imagen, you got a road what it is constantly winding up the hill and on top you got a stunning view, and you believe that this must be the Highlight of the day and then you keep on riding and it goes on and on and on. This mountain range what we have discover on the way to the picnic was in every moment of the day breathtaking. I just like this day – that would be the short version of this day – and I would ride it whenever I can again and again and again. Well, that was our day Julien Axel and Elias
Day 5: Aínsa to Valle de Tena – And I was Wrong!!!! Yesterday I was writing that the day was one of the best what you can have – But this day changes everything!!!! After we went on the bikes and we has been crossing the border to France – We have been in Bikers Paradise – This Roads over here are one off the best I ever have been on in my entire life. All the Roads up and down the passes has been spoiling us with numerus curves through the Pyrenees National Park. There has been really no minute today which has been boring. If I could! I would ride this day again and again and again. And if I had to complain about one thing than it would be that the clouds have been on some point hanging a little bit to low – but even in this moment it was impressive. I would write more but today our customers spoiled us with som extra work – because they fill 2 bikes with Diesel up so that we got an interesting Moment today. But even this highlight today was a kind off funny – because if Spanish speaking people in Spain can´t read the label on a patrol station – is it somehow funny. Well now it´s time to get ready for tomorrow and that why here some pictures what makes you maybe envious
Day 6: Valle de Tena to San Sebastián Hallo again. Today we will ride to San Sebastián, that means that we will have halftime at our Tour and it means that we got tomorrow a restday. But not so quick – today is today and tomorrow …. Today we went the Navarra area where again small little roads made our day. Sometimes it is so simple to make us riders happy!! A good tarmac + a nice landscape + a nice bike + a funny group + 2 tourguides = a perfect match All in One this was a day to enjoy riding- sometimes on verry narrow roads but on the end it was nice all day long – the weather today was good to – we expected rain but it was sunny and cloudy, so mixed up, so that we had a nice day in perfect tempriture. And that why today is this report from today a little bit shorter Julien Axel and Elias say goodbye until tomorrow
Welcom to San Sebastian or better Donostia San Sebastian the City on coast of the Bay of Biscay. After all this winding Roads in the past we decided to let our bikes have a rest and to discover the beautiful town of San Sebastian by bus and feet. Some of us has been taking the hop on hop of bus, other just walk through the town. On the End everybody dived into the flair of this City. If you are once here!!!! You should go out at night and enjoy the Tapas here in town!!! But not on one place!!! To get San Sebastian really known you should start in one Tapas Bar and have a drink and a Tapa and then you should move on to the next – Why? Because every Tapas Bar is mostly famous for one special and on Top you get in touch with the Locals. I can promise you do that you will have an great evening. And if you had enough from the night live at all this Tapas places you just go to the Beach, what is just 10 minutes away from all the Bar´s, where you relax while the Bay of Biscay plays his own melodies. I think this town is offering something for everybody. Well that’s like a Rest day could look like if you are here. Tomorrow we got to hop back on our bikes to ride to Pamplone also well known for: running of the Bulls during the San Fermin festival which between 6 and 14 of July. So Lady’s and Gentleman The Tourguide Team is going for an Ice Cream So see you tomorrow here Julien Axel and Elias
Day 8: San Sebastián (Donostia) to Pamplona Maybe it is boring and maybe not – I realy don’t want so write it because it sounds like every day is the same – IT WAS A GREAT DAY AND THE ROADS HAVE BEEN A PLEASURE!!!!!!!! One highlight of the day has been for sure the broken tire just out of San Sebastian. The solution has been – Julien was keep on riding and Diego and I went back after fixing the tire to a dealer in San Sebastian. And I can tell you – that is hard work to find one who likes to do it right now. The End of the story has been that we lost 2 hours life time but on the other side we had the bike fixed so that we could start our day as well. For me it was in this case the smallest group I ever had – one Diego !!! We went the same way like the group and because of the late lunch of the group we has been able to catch up. So doesn’t matter was happened there is always on solution to still have a nice day. All in one we spend the complete day in the hillside of Navarra and France and it was again and again a great day and for me as a fan of our Balkan Adventure Tour – I git to say if it keeps on going like that – this is my new favorite Tour. Life can be sometimes soooo good Because of this Highlight of the day there are today not that many pictures – but there is a easy solution – just book this Tour and I can promise you, you will never forget this riding over here for the rest of your live!!!! So time for Dinner – See you tomorrow here Julien Axel and Elias
Day 9 : Pamplona to Boi Hallo Hallo - it´s us the Tourguides of SPT 22066 Tour en España Once again we hop on our Bikes and having a great day, down here in the motorcycle heaven of Spain. And once again yes – it is possible to have on great day after the other!!!! If you not have been here you should because the Tour is incredible!!!! But not only the Tour – This Groupe of Riders is just a pleasure in any way you could think! Realllllllllly good Riders in combination with a great sense of humor. To ride along with you is for me like riding with friends on a weekend and that isjust great. But back to our day: Today the headliner say´s it already we are going to ride in the valley of Boi. This hidden treasure is such a beautiful place that I almost forget how nice the ride was. For the start we used the highway to cover some kilometers because the distance has been 328 km today – so time is like gold. The rest of the ride was like a kind of flashback ride – because we cached up with some roads or villages what we have seen on the way up and so has been some sections well known. The road again has been a little bit mixed with really good conditions and some spots where would like to get maybe in the next years some new tarmac. In total this was another great day which we will never forget. I just can say I like this Tour So it is time to do some other homework – so see you tomorrow Julien Axel and Elias
Day 10: Vall de Boí to Cardona To life Vall de Boi is not easy because this valley with his charm is such a nice place where would like to enjoy the stay much longer. But before we left we went up in the morning to make a little Groupe picture. Well and then we went on – out of the valley and into a nice riding day. The road was nice and gently and than we went on the top of the Mountain of Coll DÀres – but I can tell you that was a little challenging because the road is just a old single Lane trough the forest and not in good chape!!! But the reward was on the top, with a stunning view and a fresh mad burger in the hand. For a lunchbreak was this on of the best stops on the tour for me. Afterwards we went on the other side down to go back on normal roads. The road from there on has been such a pleasure that it is once again hard to describe our ride. But you can see it this way: imagen you go from one turn in the next and that you will do all day long and on top if you got good riders like we you see turn by turn how everybody in proofs his skills. For us as a tour guide is that’s one of the biggest pleasure – I can tell you. Tonight we sleeping Castell de Cardona an it feel right away like stepping back in time and we are all like Knights from the old day´s – somehow we are Knights if you see us on our steel horse riding to the Pyrenees. Another day is gone and tomorrow is already our last day of riding – The time is just passing by – that’s crazy – specially if you see us as a big bunch of good fellas who likes to ride together. It just fit´s When ever this Groupe shows up again Julien and Me would love ride again with them Julien Axel and Elias s ay goodbye for today and looking forward for tomorrow
Day 11 from Cardona to Castelldefels A last day of riding is always a day of mixed feelings. On one Side you looking forward to this riding day and what highlights will come up ….. The other thoughts are already a kind of reflecting Moments where you think – this is day 11, crazy how quick the time went on and also you start to remember on the first day because of all the winding roads we have been on. All this makes the last day of riding special. So what we did today was: having a great breakfast in our castle and then we went on towards the famous place of: Abtei Santa Maria de Montserrat, where we spent some hours to get this place known and also to take the funicular to the top of the mountain. After this we had a nice one more picnic – where we already start to talk about all the riding days and what we have seen. All in one the ride today was mixed today with narrow road´s specially on Montserrat and some average curves. So if you get closer to a big City like Barcelona there is for sure more population as in the Pyrenees what makes the freedom of riding like in the mountains, a kind of hard. But that was okay because of all the memories what we have been created. For the final of the Tour we had one mor Dinner together where all the funny moments popped up again – like our Special Forces Of Diesel – Riders they pointed after a stop always in the wrong direction and many moments more. It was a great Evening and it is strange feeling to split up after this ride – because we became friends/ a family. And that is the reason why we (Julien and I) doing this job as a Tourguide. In the Name of the Tourguide Team A big thank you to this Groupe and we both hoping to see you again and more important to ride again together where we build up some breathtaking Moments. The Team of Julien Axel and Elias wish you al a nice way home - BUT DON´T FORGET: AFTER A TOUR IS JUST BEFOR THE NEXT ONE -