Adriatic Rollercoaster Extreme (4SC220B)

Welcome to Klagenfurt and to our Adriatic Rollercoaster extreme tour. This one is a custom tour with a group of riders from the US. 8 people who all know each other and have ridden with one another before, so this will be a lot of fun. Our tripp starts in Klagenfurt in the South of Austria and will lead us to Slowenia and Croatia where most of our riding will happen in the next 6 riding days. Our wonderfull hotel in Klagenfurt the "Hotel Dermuth". Since this is an "extreme" tour, our Van will stay behind in Klagenfurt and not follow us along our route. This tripp actualy was a birthday present for Rich, due to corona he had to wait for two years to finaly make it happen. Of course he got some cake for the occation.
Our first riding day led us all the way from Klagenfurt in Austria to Motovun in Istria/Croatia, and what a nice first riding day it was. Rich is doing a great job presenting the map of todays ride. Our lunch stop was very nice today, they have some great pizza in Slovenia. Apart from all the nice riding we also tried to squish in some culture, so we had a coffee break at an 800 year old castle that has been build into the mountain range. Unlike most of the borders in europe, there is a real border crossing with passport control if you want to enter Croatia, but luckily it didn`t take us too long to get over the border. The first view of Croatia after crossing the border. Out hotel for the next to nights is in a little town called Motovun which offers some very nice views. Someone was looking forward to this tour.
Today we didn`t change hotels but stayed one more day in Istria in the town Motovun. Our original plan was to visit the 2 mayor island of Croatia, Krk and Cres but due to the bad weather forcast we changed our plan and stayed on the mainland an had a great ride along the coastline. Our first sight of the adriatic sea on this tour, of course we had to take a stop there. Hum is one of the many medieval towns in Croatia that still exist and definitly worth a visit. The road up from the parking lot in Motovun definitly is a good photo opportunity. Enjoying the beautiful sunset in Motovun. Janet and Rich discovered an amazing restaurant in town.
Today we left the area of Istria and went on our way to discover more of the beautiful Croatia. Our route led is along the stunning coastline of the Adriatic Sea before we headed further inland to our goal of the day Plitvicka. Our daily morning briefing. Our walk out of Motovun to our motorcycles. Already some fall colours in Croatia. For lunch we stop at the nice little coast town Senj and most of us tried the traditional croatian dish cevapcici. The coastline of Croatia is just stunning. One happy Harley rider. We had some heavy rain today but as soon as the sun came out temperatures were perfect again.
Day 5 of our tripp already. First we weren`t sure if we should visit the Plitvicka Lakes today due to the bad weather forecast but gladly we did in the end because its a truely amazing place and it would have been a shame to miss it. In the afternoon we went for a ride and crossed over from Croatia to Bosnia and Herzegovina for a quick visit there. We found this amazing coffee stop while riding through Bosnia, what a lovely place by the water. Back in Croatia where some amazing roads where waiting for us.
Day 6 of our trip brings us back to Slovenia which we justed rode through on our way down to Croatia. This time we will spend a night in this great little country and stay in Novo Mesto. It was hard to say goodbye to Croatia, because its such a beautiful place. Good food, friendly people, great scenery and just the best roads you can imagine. We had some raid and fog in the morning but that cleared up pretty quick. A nice little stop for coffee. We had lunch today at the Bistro Kastle near Karlovac, not just great food but also a nice location with an historic background.
Day 7 of our tour sadly is also our last riding day. The roads in Croatia and Slovenia were so amazing, we could have gone on forever. Today our route leads us from Novo Mesto in Slovenia back over the Karawanken Mountains into Austria to Klagenfurt, where we started our tour about a week ago. Not just the ride, but also the nice little stops make a tour great. We found a great little place for lunch. Thats the "small" pizza. On last ride through the mountains. Before everyone heads home again we had to do one last group picture for sure.