SPT 22041 From Rome to Vence

Hallo Hallo it is time to get on the Bikes and start this Trip!!!!! After the Welcome Briefing and the Dinner last night, we began the Day with an great breakfast to fill up our batteries. Shortly after the Checkout it was Morning Briefing Time!!!! Axel told the story of the Day and Christian took care of the luggage. And then we started the day with our first challenge – get out of Roma. Actually, we have been lucky the roads are almost empty because the Italien people sleep quite long on a Sunday. So it was not really a challenge anymore. After we get out of Rom we dived into the green valleys which are surrounding Rom and along hazelnut tree plantations and numerous Olive trees we came to our first coffee stop at the Lago di Vico. This way to the lake is really worth it. But now it was time for some curves and so we did. The roads I have to say are mixed up between realllllllly good and well – I put it this way: it has one day a good road. On the other Hand the Weather turned step by step to rain conditions and later on, only 60 km before we arrived at the Hotel it hit´s us. Sometimes live is not fair. But not so quick along the way there has been some Highlights like: Cività di Bagnoregio and Orvieto where we had lunch. And after the lunch was for sure the Road the Highlight – nice curvy roads in good conditions – on a scale of 1 to 10 it was an 8!!! As I wrote before towards the end of the ride the rain hit us and we got our first test for the rain gear, if it’s the money worth it. So far everybody was trie and the journey of today ended in a nice little Hotel close to Pienza. That was our Day 2 Christian and Axel will catch up soon with the group for Dinner So see you tomorrow here
Welcome to Day 3 with Pienza to Pienza Sounds strange – no is not – Today is Rest Day and we have been riding a nice Loop from around 184 km. After a little longer sleep and breakfast we started today at 10 o clock and the first stop at our list has been Bagno Vignoni where we stepped back in time. The little old village with the hot springs and a stunning charm took us away. And that why we dicided to have the first coffee stop over here after 6 km riding. After an good espresso it was time to move. Nice curvy roads has been all over the place and the view was like it a movie. Even now in the September everything is green – all the vineyards taking care of the grapes – I just like to be at this time of the year over here. Okay the weather at this stage of the year is changing quiet quick so we had some rain and we have seen a lot of rain coming down but lucky as we have been we always mist it by minutes so on the end the road was wet but not us. On the End we stopped at Montalcino where we looked around and I used the time to organize a restaurant for the evening. Even it was a Rest day everybody felt the ride of today because there have been soooooommmmeeeee curves. Time to go back to Montalcino for Dinner See you tomorrow Christan and Axel
What a day Toscana we love you - could be the name for it!!! Imagen you watch Gladiator, Davinci Cod and Illuminati – that’s the feeling what we have over here. The landscape is just stunning!!!!!!!! Tuscany/ Italy Countryside with vineyards on the hills framed with cedar trees - this actually Hard, to find the words for it to give you an feedback what we see on our riding day´s. Today we started of in the direction of Montalcino where had yesterday a great Dinner and from there on we started again an curvy day I would say. Weather was better then yesterday and so we stopped after a while at our first Highlight at Sant' Antimo a famous abbey church. From there on we dived into the beauty of the Toscana in any way you could think off. Next place to be has been Bagni San Filippo with the famous hot Spring. I got to say it again I just like it over here – the food is good, the Vino as well the roads to ride also – it is actually the place to be happy. And now let´s jump to the surprise part of our day – Picnic Picnic Picnic!!! Christian was meanwhile shopping to surprise us along the ride with a lunch in Edelweiss style!!!! I put it this way it was really quiet at lunch because everybody was just enjoying all the specials what he was been serving. Well, there are still some kilometers to ride so we moved on and the roads has been toping the morning once again. Our last Stop before we arrived at the Hotel has been San Galgano the famous place where we spend some time and because every day got his end – we are finally arrived at the Hotel in Siena – with a lot of impressions of a beautiful ride here in the Toscana. That has been our Day Christian and Axel
Here we go again on Day 5 - Siena - Let's do I would say - 221km of winding Roads and the breathtaking City of Arezzo are waiting for us. After we get out of Siena it started almost directly with the small roads which has been winding through the landscape - if I have to describe the Toscana I will always search for the right words and I will not come to the point where I be satisfied - but it so easy- the answer for this, you got to ride this roads!!! When you come back frome a tour in the Toscana/ Italy you will know what I mean!!! After this scenario of dreamlike roads it was time for the next highlight -Arezzo - here we come. When you ride into the the old town where you feel still the impact of the Medici and after the ride in the weather what we had, 12 C and time to time wet frome the top you are looking forward to a nice lunch! And so we did - Highlight number 3 - STEAK FLORENTINA 2,5 kg - If you are here you have to do it - All we need is meat was the theme of the moment - It waaaaas sooooooo good!!!! After the power lunch there was still some time to discover this nice old town. I think memory's has been build up once more. The Rest of the ride was more to get to Siena before it will rain again. Wel well that was Day 5 and tomorrow we will move on to Florence So see you tomorrow Christian and Axel
Hallo Hallo it is Time for Day 6 and that means we will ride to Firenze To get out of Town was today no problem at all and again we started directly with small little roads which has been framed with old stone walls. What a nice start – it could not be better. Besides this, the scenery was picture postcard like – all this Olive trees and Vineyards!!!! This start was a good one. First Stop today has been San Gimignano where it was time for an good espresso and a walk around of the old Town or like I call it – the Manhattan of the 12/13 Century. On top there was today marked day, what means for all mans please forget your Visa Card in the Top case because otherwise it could be an expensive Espresso. And now to the downside of the day – and by down we really mean down!!! It was pouring rain down like crazy after our little walk-through San Gimignano. So we expend the Lunch with the hope that it will change – but it was still hope while we went back on the Bikes – Predrus gave us a lesson. But hey if survive this rain there must be a reward on the end of the day, or not!? 30 Km before we came to Firenze it stopped and luck as we are we arrived at the Hotel even with a little sun. Riding through the Chianti arear is something special and if you like Sangiovese than you should by some over here because you can save a lot of money!!!!! My hint for that treat the Van rider good on the tour and he will take care of all the Vino what you way will collect!!!! That was our 160 km ride from today. Christian and Axel
Theme of the Day: Rain Rain and Rain Welcome to the Rain contest of the Tour: Question is today – Do we find on kilometer om Tarmac what is not totally wet!!? Hallo again from the Tour – it sounds worser than it have been, but still it was like yesterday on the end. But let´s start from the morning. Because of the weather and the option to visit Firenze the group was today split in Riders they do not fear the rain and explorer. The group of rider started the rain marathon at 10 pm and our first and for sure biggest highlight has been for today – the race circle of Mugello – On the way to the circle we enjoyed even in the rain the small narrow roads which have proof once again that Italy got on of the best playgrounds for motorcycle riders on the world!!!!! It took us not that long to get to the Track ( not on the Track) and lucky as we have been we could see some crazy riders which been training there rain riding skills – just by the way some of them have been nuts for sure – the speed what they went was really impressive. After several pictures and riding to the pitlane we went on into the Mountain range close to the track. On one hand it was a nice ride, but if you ride this road in the rain, you always thinking about: How nice would it be to ride this on a sunny day. Next stop on the way has been Lunch and for that we went to the La Bottega dei Portici – what a nice treasure!!! The food was good and the view was a topping – the owner and his wife got a great selection of wine – so if you need some as a present that would be a place to bye some and the price for the wine is fair. After all this rain and curves and food and no wine what we can enjoy – we moved on towards Firenze. Some more curves through the green Valleys and mountains of Firenze and we are back at the Hotel. This day has been even in rain a pleasure to ride. Thanks for the ride, everybody Now I am looking forward to hear what the explorer group have seen today So tomorrow is the next riding day and we will go to Pisa – so we got some to prepare and you will hear more from us tomorrow Christian and Axel over and out
Do you know what!!! We had a great Day of riding!!! Why – It is sooooo simple – The weather was good the roads are nice and the places where we have been are just one of a kind. That would be the short version if you had not much time to talk. In my case still not much time but I can´t let it be with one line of words. In the morning we left Firenze not directly, because there has been on place where you should stop if you come or leaf Firenze. The place what I mean is: Piazzale Michelangelo!!!! From there you got an ownsome view over Firenze. In our case there have been some clouds hanging down from the sky but still we got a great moment up there. As a second highlight Peera just got a flat tire so 10 min later we have been ready to rubble. From now on it was a Curvy day and I got to say I liked as much as the group!!!! Up and Down, Right and Left – it was the Good Morning Rollercoaster on the way to Volterra where we had our Coffee Break and walked through this breathtaking old Fortress/ Village, which has been founded in 700 BC. Crazy or!? The little streets and all this little shop´s give Volterra his own charm. But even if it´s nice here - we got to move – The Coastline of Pisa is waiting for us. And when you think this morning was the only Rollercoaster then you should think twice – with Edelweiss Bike Travel – you got what you looking for as a Biker!!! Arriving on the Coastline means that we also almost at home in Lucca where Christian is waiting for us. BUTTTTTT not so quick before we got a nice Lunch directly at the Beach. The Mix of this ride of today – makes this day a kind of unique – The green Forest and thousands of Wine trees in the Morning, than Farming Land XXL size and on top the Sea Side. This Day was just great and for sure a pleasure to ride And tomorrow: As a forecast there – The Theme Of The Day CURVES AND COASTLINE So Christian and I need to prepare the next day and that why – good night to you or have a great day where ever you will read this
Welcome on Day 9 – A Curvy Day comes to an End Today we went from Lucca to Rapallo and the Day was just out of this world. One Curve after the other and the roads are just as big that one car can pass a motorcycle. Crazy Crazy Crazy!!!! So, before we enter Liguria we got some Highlights too. The Passo del Vestito and then for sure the Carrara arear – This all made this day too something special. On Top we got a other Picnic of Christian to enjoy and on the Afternoon we went to Cinque Terre. This day has been long and took a lot of energy from us and thats why, I keep it today short with writing. See you tomorrow Christian and Axel
Right from the Start is going to be a curvy Day!!!! Rapallo is on the coast and the Coastline over here covered with mountains in the backyard- and that's the way where will going. Welcome to the jungle of the Ligurian!!!! This playground's over here in Toscana and over here until the Piemont is out of this world!!!! If you don't like curves you should not come to this places and if you like them you got to be there once in your lifetime!!!!!!! Our scenery today is touched by the autumn and every time when we come out of a forest and can look in the distance it is overwhelming us again and again. All the hills and forest ist colourised in yellow orang and red and some green. The dark green of the last days has been gone and even some snow you can see on the higher mountains- the winter is not far , but for me it is one of the best times to be over here. This day took from us a lot of energy and replaced it with a lot of impression and new memories. What a great riding day !!! so tomorrow last day of riding - the time is just blown away - specially when you travel and see some Christian and Axel
Theme of our day is: The way is the goal We started as planed in the morning and the landscape was touched frome clouds and the sun was shining through the clouds- that was a Start what can´t be better planed !!! After several kilometers there was the first stop at the Santuario Basilica di Montis Regalis! You wonder why I write it big !? It was breathtaking in every way you can think of!!! From there on we went towards France where we tried to go through the tunnel of Coll di Tenda but we got no luck. The Tunel was closed an no research of the evening before showed it. So there was no other chance as to go around over Isola And there was the real Highlight of today - Col de la Lombarde What a Road and What a view - Autumn has colorized the complete Valley in yellow red and green. Did I said the Road was fantastic? If yes doesn’t matter I say it again – This Road is made for Bikers!!!! The y way up and down – made our day and there where no thoughts about: how would be the original route. In total we had to cover 335 km and it was a long last pleasant ride of our Tour. We arrived today late at the Hotel but with a big smile in our faces because of this great breathtaking Road. Now the bikes will be loaded for the way back to Austria and as a Topping of our Tour we will have a nice Dinner where we step back in Time and chat about all this great Moments what we had on this Tour. Christian and I like to thank you (the Groupe) for this Tour because without you we would have not the chance to see all these great places where we have been riding. So Ong I looking forward for our next Tour and don’t forget to bring Peera with you Christian and Axel got to do now some paperwork and get ready for the journey tomorrow – Christian is going Home, and I got to move on to Athens for the next Tour.