4CE Crete Extreme

Day 2: Iraklion to Ágios Nikólaos What A Curvy / Twisty Day Welcome on day 2 our journey or better first riding day. Today we started our ride out of Iraklion and soon we entered the land of olive trees and the pure countryside of Crete. What a pleasure to ride here. All this tiny little villages with all the old people, which are sitting in all the coffees along the road and smiling at us as we pass by. The heartwarming flair over here is something special I can tell you!!!! The rid himself has been like that: Up into the mountains and back down to the coastline and then back up – guess what! – into the mountains and again back down to the coastline. Ahhhhhh this day was just a good start in this tour!!!!! Along the way we passed by numerous old windmills and that all in a landscape what takes your breath away. If you are like me and like to take a lot of pictures – then this will be hard day for you, because on one side you like to ride and on the other there are so many places where you like to stop. If you would stop all the time! I guess you would not arrive at the hotel. Well, that has been just the first day of our tour – so, stay tuned for more and enjoy the pictures. Axel
Day 3: Ágios Nikólaos Rollercoaster Day Deluxe Let´s do the East coast of Crete!!!! Our Day started as usually with the briefing but then we went out for 280 km fun run. This day was not just a pleasure because of the weather the landscape – NO it was a day to remember because of the roads where we have been on!!!! From the beginning until the end of this ride there was no boring moment. In-between nice twisty roads and more than less single lane roads and we came along the oldest olive tree what I have ever seen in my live – around 3500 years old – impressive!!!! Life can be so wonderful and even better on a motorcycle!!! On top of the this, we had coffee on the coastline, lunch at the beach side – what else could you ask for? Well, dinner and that we had outside of the hotel and again just good. Here in Crete, they know how to enjoy the life. You should ride once in your lifetime here – So if you are looking for a curves curves and mor curves and less tourist staff and you like to ride through breathtaking landscapes – than you are just made for this tour. So, for us it is time to go to bed because tomorrow is another day in riding paradise Axel over and out
Day 4: Ágios Nikólaos to Mátala What else you could wish for!? I was thinking during the ride how could I describe this day. And maybe I will find the right words. So, let’s get started! As you can see the sunrise has been already a pleasure and that was just the start! After the daily business of briefing and storing the luggage on the bike we went off towards the mountains, with the sun in our faces and a gorges road under neath our tires. So, we climbed again up over the mountain range where we finished our tour from yesterday – but on a different road. Well, and then we went again through numerous valleys of olive trees. On top we got almost 50% of the day a stunning view of the crystal-clear water from the coastline. And as you can see on the pictures – it was another wonderful day here in Crete. And a compliment to my group it is extremely fun with you to explore the island here - Great personalities - Very good drivers - and you make a really good mood - Thanks already now for this!!!! Tonight, we are in Mátala – the famous hippie community from back of the days. So, in this case we got to go out for dinner and have a look what´s left over frome those days. Tomorrow there will be the next fun run with 280km, but what’s going on tomorrow – I will tell you later – I just spoiler - it will be like that on the end of the day – BIG SMILEY FACES ALL OVER THE PLACE AT THE HOTEL PARKING See you tomorrow Axel
Day 5: Mátala to Chaniá Yesterday I was impressed – But today my mind was blowen away Mostly if you think it can´t get better – it´s getting better And so was our day!!!! There are 285 km on our to do list today and this was from the start to the end such a pleasure that even for me it is hard to find the right words. This day was full of fun and the landscape and the roads are just awesome. Today I will not write much because, I still searching for words. That why here some highlights of the day: Prévilin Beach with his little oases, The No Name Pass, and the Arádena Gorge. That’s only some points of this day what have made in my eye’s unci. Well and tomorrow we will ride again on the West Island, and it will be another day what we will never forget!!! Now, we all need some rest today after this breathtaking ride and I can promise you we all will dream from some section of this day. Soooooo, Axel need´s to go to bed as well
Day 6: Chaniá If you don’t have a lot of pictures!? Then you had a great day on the motorcycle Our day on the Westcoast has been just great – no – it was a real riding day and on top: for me it feels like riding with some frends!!!! Some of us spend the day at the town of Chaniá and some went out by them self and the rest – the rest was on the fun run with me. The nice thing on our group is that we work verry well together and as well the riding. You feel like everybody improve his skills from day to day. And that’s makes even more fun. Today we have been on roads they have been more then less goat trails and then there have been roads along the coastline with a stunning view and as a sherry on top there have been roads where we just went from one turn into another – it was like dancing with the bike on the road. Once again the smile on the faces off our riders has been the compliment what are you looking for as a Tour Guide. And because this day has such a fun, we had a nice cold beer at the bikes when we came back at the hotel. The funny thing was, that I hide it in the pannier of the Harley with some ice and nobody, even the rider had a clou what he was transporting after the lunch break. Now we relax a little and then we will catch up once again to go into the old part of the town to have some dinner. So it´s time to go Axel
Day 7: Chaniá to Iraklion The Final Chapture The last time that we store our stuff on the motorcycle. Ohhhhh, how quick these days went by – crazy – crazy -crazy. So once again let´s roll. First we went out of town (Chaniá) and soon we reached the mountainside where we just dropped down 2 days ago. The weather himself was not the best today and the forecast talked about rain – but on the end it was just cold and verry windy on the ride. The last day of riding is something special, because on one hand you looking forward to do it but on the other hand you know when you park today the motorcycle at the hotel it is the last time on this tour. During the day we had some special moments where I would say that’s our groupe secret and of course some highlights like the Moní Arkádi. But overall it was more the ride what was counting. Riding with shadow, balu, mogly…… its such a pleasure that I honestly looking forward to having them all on tour again. It is like riding with my buddys!!!! I use this moment as well to thank all of you for this great days – it would be not the same without you – SO keep your rubber down and we will see use again. Axel got to go – because he is going straight to the Best Of Greece Tour