BOG2301- Best of Greece

Hello everyone out there , Before a tour can start, a lot happens before that. Motorbikes are loaded and then there is the route from Austria via Italy to Greece. I'll take you a bit with me on my way before our tour starts. Ferry to Greece
Day 1: Athens Welcome to the Best of Greece Today is the day where our journey begins. First thing of the day is the handover of the motorcycles and our welcome briefing and the moment where Michaela and I will meet our Groupe. So in the next days we will show our riders the beauty of Greece on the may most beautiful way – on a motorcycle!!! At the moment we cross the fingers that the weather will be on our side. But anyway, we will have a good time. So if you like to discover Greece and you are not sure – just check our Blog each day and may it helps to make a decision. So See you later Michaela and Axel
Day 2: Athen to Arachova Let´s get this first day of riding started!!! The Oracle is calling First day of riding here in Greece. And we got some highlights for you. But first we had to get out of Athens. But than it started with the first twisty curves of the tour. And close afterwards we arrived on the Gulf of Korinth, followed by the famous place of Delphi. The riding on this day has been just fine to get the new motorcycle known and also the different riders. On the downside today has been for sure the weather – which was towards the end just wet. Well, it was not the sunny day what we hoped for, before we come to Athens. But what should we do? Nothing because there is sometimes nothing that you can do against Petrus. Our final place to be is in Arachova where we stay for one night. Sooooooo time to go to bed and see you tomorrow here Michaela and Axel
Day 3: Arachova to Kalyvia The Fog Kings of Greece What a day!!!!! After a rainy night the day started more than less dry. So we mad the daily briefing at the motorcycles. So far so good – In the briefing himself I was telling the story about the highlights of the day, like way around the Parnassos and Pindus….. But than Petrus decided to design our day in a special way. So, the theme of the day changed from breathtaking landscape to fog. Fog as dense as it can get. And this only on the highlights of this day. What means for us 150 km of our 300 km has been covered with fog. But I got to say everybody did verry well even if I could not see them most of the time. Along the way we stopped at the ski slopes of Arachova and that has been a really fresh moment 6 C on 1760 m oversee level and for a short moment no fog – at least here. This day used to be a nice rollercoaster up and down and heaps of nice curves. In our case was it a 40 km/h ride with hazard warning lights on that we see the motorcycle in front of us. During the day I told everybody what we used to see on this ride – and I tried my best to create a picture in the heads of our riders. Well well – this day was something special. Tomorrow we cross the fingers that we got some more luck with the weather because we will visit Meteora. So stay tuned if you like to see if we have been lucky with the weather Michaela and Axel
Day 4: Kalyvia to Metsovo Let´s do it – again!!! The day started as it end yesterday – Guess what!? Fog and rain, but at least it was less than the weather forecast predicted. So, what’s the plan for today – We like to see the famous and unique monasteries of Meteora. 6 of the 24 monasteries are still there and the place what they have chosen to build it, is unique. On top of a limestone a formation which has been shaped by wind and water of the years. So, we crossed in the morning our fingers that the fog will be not again our opponent of the view. On the way himself to Meteora we have been riding through some small narrow roads along some small vineyards and we could feel even in these conditions the charm of Greece. After arriving and visiting the monasteries, we moved on towards Metsovo where we will stay for the next 2 days. So, now we will finish this rainy day tonight with some local red wine in a cozy restaurant and tomorrow – well tomorrow is a new day and maybe we got some more luck with the weather. Time for some wine Michaela and Axel
Day 5: Metsovo Welcome to the first sunny day Rest day is the best day – we could say. After a good and large dinner we met at the breakfast where we decided who likes to ride today. On the end it was just Norm and me. The rest thought it stays cloudy today and used the private SPA what Michaela organized. Norm and I took off and surprise surprise the sun came out. This was a great ride to the world's deepest gorge -Vikos George. The landscape without fog is something special here in the Timfi- Mountains. The Region off Zagória got around 46 little villages and in the old days there connected with each other with old stone bridges. And now I let the pictures speak for them self – what Norm and I have seen. The rest of the Fog riders hat a nice Rest day and just on side – to take a day off of riding is good because the next days will be long enough and we will see more of this region. Michaela and Axel
Day 6: Metsovo to Lefkáda From the Mountain to the Coastline This day we will remember for sure!!!! What a day what view. If you think it can´t be that good – you should have a look at the pictures. And greetings to the office I could not decide which one should be not on the blog. When I woke up I had already the feeling that this day will be special, and I have been right. After a good breakfast in the morning, it was time to say goodbye to Metsovo. Once on the motorcycle we went down to the bottom of the valley, but only for a moment. From there on we went up and up and up and there was no end to see. The ride through the beech forests was a pure pleasure now that everything is in bloom. As we came closer to the top of the mountain pass it became a little chilly because there is still some snow. As a reward after all these switchbacks we had a stunning view, as you can see at the pictures. And if you are on top of the Mountain (Mparos Pass 1950 m) you also have to ride down as well and so we did. The road in combination with the sun has been such a good feeling and I can say we deserved it after all these rainy days. Along the way we stopped several times to enjoy the view of the Pindus Mountains and as well on the Holy Kipnis Monastery. After all this curves it was time to had some lunch and afterwards the goal have been to ride to Lefkáda. To reach Lefkáda you must ride over a floating bridge and then you reach the island. Down here on the coastline the temperature is the toatly opposite of the Mountain ranger where we spend the last couple of days. 26 C and sun what else do you wish for. I would say this day was just great – and now enjoy the pictures Michaela and Axel
Day 7: Lefkáda to Vytina A long sunny ride or better from the coast to the mountains If you think on Greece – you might think of endless rides along the coastline!? And the last days we have been just in the Mountains, what the most riders don´t expect in Greece. But today we went down along the coastline. We started in Lefkáda and in Astakos it was time for the first coffee of the day. Directly in the harbor – what a nice place after this twisty morning. Afterwards it was time to get to the first highlight of the day: The Super bridge/ Rio Antirio Bridge – 2,252 km and 57 m high. When you come around the corner, you will be impressed what they build in 2004 over here. On the other side and already on the Peloponnese we decided to have some lunch with a view towards the bridge. That was also the moment where we went back up into the mountains and also to the next highlight - Nekrotafeio Plataniotissas/ the Church in a tree. Sound in the first moment not that special, but do you have ever been in a tree where 20 people got space to pray? The ride himself today had almost everything what is possible – curvy roads, switchbacks, gravel, highway and that from the coast to the hotel at Vytina. It was a long ride and for sure a ride with the most changing landscape so far. From the beauty of the cost over the farming land into the Mountains. And now we need some rest – but tomorrow we will step back in time – why and what you will see tomorrow. Michaela and Axel
Day 8: Vytina A nice curvy road and the archeological site of Ancient Olympia Hallo again from day 8. Today we went to the archeological site of Olympia – but before we visit this famous place!!! There was something going on. I (Axel) was not in the Hotel for breakfast – I escaped in the morning to go shopping for our first picknick on Tour. So, Michaela took care of the Groupe and after a great breakfast she started the ride through these gorges arear. On Top -the road got a new tarmac and the fun level on the road has been around 100%. As soon as they came to Olympia – Michaela turned away from the place where we told them we would go. Michaela where are you going!??? Surprise – First we had Picknick directly in the open Theater of Floka. After some big bites we moved on to Olympia where we steeped back in time, to see what has been left over from 776 BC. After some hours in Olympia, it was time to get back to the Hotel. So, we went back on the bikes and enjoyed more curves and had a relaxing ride back home. Michaela and Axel
Day 9: Vytina to Areopoli Sometimes is a good road all what you need!!! It is day 9 and we hat a nice fun run. We leave Vytina after our morning briefing and then – well then, we had just fun even if the sky was cloudy. The ride through the small mountain roads in the morning was such a pleasure – it is actually hard to find the right words for it. On top we have been lucky because, last year the road has been in not in such a good condition. So, because of this – this day turned into a real riding day – it was great to see everybody enjoying this day. As we came later down the mountain it was time for a break before took off again to Sparti. From there on we went over the Langada Pass which was another nice ride. The pace of this day has been great so that we made lunch in Kalamata. Directly on the beach and really good food made us smile once more on this great day. The rest of the route was along the coastline but for sure not only straight. There have been some more curves for us. The only difference to the ride until lunch has been the all the cars and tourist. But hey for that we had an awesome ride with almost no car until lunch. And now we are already in the hotel and enjoying the bay view what everybody has from his balcony in the room. A great day of riding finds his end at the dinner and Michaela and I looking forward to the next riding day because one Highlight is a cave. So, that was our day 9 Michaela and Axel
Day 10: Areopoli to Monemvasia A windy night / A cave / A nice day of riding / A good lunch / A great Hotel for 2 nights That would be the shortest way to say something about our day. We had a stormy night, and you could hear the wind blowing all night long. At the breakfast time it changed not that much, and some rain drops came down as well – so, good that we have been just around the corner of our first highlight of the day. The Caves of Diros where we had a good protection of mother nature. But the real deal has been these 30-minute boat ride through this cave. Just look at the pictures! Impressive and after awhile you feel like -you are not anymore on earth – it is like a totally different world. Now it was time to start our ride along the coastline and so we did. Nice twisty roads and a great view has been a pleasure today even if the sky was mostly cloudy. At the coffee stop Michaela got a great idee and ask for a cake and: look at this fresh Walnut cake + Orange cake + fresh orange juice + good coffee = perfect coffee stop. From here on the road kept on being twisty and some switchbacks on top and we arrived at lunch stop. Directly on the beach you should trie the fish – its fresh and good and you got almost no chance to fail. The rest of the ride towards Monemvasia went along millions of orange trees and olive trees and there have been some eucalyptus trees to and the smell of those trees made directly thinking on Australia. But anyway this day was just a good and now we will see what the weather brings up tomorrow and then we decide what we do – riding or have a look at Monemvasia or both. See you Michaela and Axel
Day 11: Monemvasia Switchback training day Today is Rest Day but we always have an option to ride our steel horses. So today we have been with 5 bikes on the road, and we had a nice ride through the mountains over here. And as I wrote on the headline: It was switchback day – I would say all in one 60 of them in total and 40 of them in a section of 15 km so that was great warmup I would say. Weather wise – it was cloudy day but not as much as on the start of this tour. So, it was a ride with a view and some coffee along the way. But wait there was another highlight today – The second Picknick of the Tour – Michaela used the time of the morning ride to go shopping and prepared a great lunch just around the corner of the Hotel. The rest of the day we will enjoy the hotel and relax for a while before we will drive to Monemvasia to have closer look at this historical town and will have some Dinner. That is our day 11 and that means there are just 2 more riding days on this tour. Somehow it doesn’t matter if you are costumer or tour guide, the feeling that the time is slipping away is always there. On the other side I always say: if you can’t count the days on the tour!!! You are having a great time because there is nothing else – except from you the motorcycle and the riding days. So, time to go to Monemvasia See you Michaela and Axel
Day 12: Monemvasia to Nafplio Along the Coast / Along the Finger Here we go again on day 12. Today we enjoyed a nice ride along the coastline towards north. Small little roads on the countryside have been our breakfast until the first coffee stop in a little harbor along the road. The next highlight besides the road was the Elona Monastery which is a hidden treasure in the mountain. After all these riding this on these small roads we needed some food and so we went down to the beach where we recharged our batteries once again before we take off for the last kilometers. Michaela and Axel
Day 13: Nafplio to Athen The final ride Every Tour got his end and so ours as well. Today we started one more time as a group. The target of the day has been Athens where it starts and ends. In the early morning we crossed the thumb of the peninsula and enjoyed some more twisty roads towards the first highlight of the day – the Epidaurus amphitheater. This impressive theater has been buildi 340 BC and is still in good shape and they use it for concerts in those days. The reason here for is the breathtaking acoustic. And before you ask – yes, we tried to proof it but you get always in trouble if you play a song like Toto – hold the line. But we had one moment where we agree that the acoustic is one of a kind. Afterwards we drove back to the coastline to have mone more time lunch at the harbor. From there on we drove up north where we stopped at the Cannel of Corinth. This is a place where the dream came true from 2700 years ago. This Cannel is the reason why we drove the last days on an island – they finished the project just 1893 and since them the peninsula was official. The rest of the ride towards Athens was more than less on the highway. And so became the journey an end. This last 14 days made us 9 strangers a family and that we felt even more when we went a last to the dinner table and talked about all the moments what we had. The Fog Riders on the start to Curve Hunters on the end. We became friends and my feeling tells me that we will meet an again one day on a motorcycle somewhere on this beautiful planet. In the Name of Michaela and Axel – we like to thank you for this great time. See you soon!!!