
AAP another awesome pass This is our first day of riding. Contrary to all fears, the weather holds and we start in bright sunshine. The first kilometers lead us along the river "Inn" into the world of passes and curves. We do get some liquid sunshine, but the visit to the motorcycle museum on the Timmelsjoch generously compensates us. As is usual in the mountains, other valley other weather. And so we skillfully escape the rain almost the whole day. Our way leads us over famous pass roads like the "Timmelsjoch and the "Jaufenpass". We end this quite worthy first day of riding with a coffee at over 2000m altitude on the "Mendelpass" From there we roll through gentle curves down to Bolzano. An unforgettable fuel stop included;-)
corners and culture So we are in Bolzano our first rest day. But what to do so soon after our tour has begun at all. The answer best everything. Bolzano is predestined for a trip to the world famous Dolomites. One of the motorcycle paradises of this world. To skip this ride would be unforgivable. So we set out to explore the Dolomites. Uncle AL said you will not regret it... and yes he was right. We were rewarded with beautiful roads and even more beautiful views. Back in Bolzano we have enough time to explore the city and of course the "Ötzi" museum. What a day.
how much can fit in one day? After exploring the Dolomites and Bolzano yesterday, our second regular riding day awaits us today. At the morning briefing we hear stories of missionaries doing their job on the back of a bear, beautiful views and one of the most popular motorcycle roads in the Alps. That sounds exciting. But the first thing on the program is shopping. So we go to this motorcycle gear store. Besides, Jeff is still working hard on the tuning for Uncle AL`s bike. So we take it easy until we finally tackle the famous "Mendel Pass". From the top of it, a goat trail leads us up to the Penegal from where we enjoy the view into the valley. A few curves later we reach the "Santuario of San Romedio" A medieval pilgrimage site in the middle of nowhere. Phew what a morning. Time for lunch. So we drive to a small lake where Juri is waiting for us with a picnic. How cool is that? Strengthened and relaxed, we finally head for the hotel. Which we reach 1000, partly tricky, curves later. Can it get any better?
how narrow a road can be? After the rain of the night had disappeared, this day starts again with bright sunshine. It will be a special day. We will remember it for a long time. After a short briefing, it goes directly in the direction of the first pass. "Passo de Tonale" is written on the signs at the roadside. But first the "Carabinieri" would like to take a closer look at our bikes. That goes off well. Of course, everything is okay and we continue our journey. In bright sunshine we take the first pass. Almost routine, so to speak. But the highlight of the day is waiting for us... "Passo del Vivione" an incredibly narrow but passable in both directions. You don't often experience something like this. Hardly have we reached again, for Italian conditions "normal" wide roads. We have again a meeting with the police. The road is closed because of a bicycle race. Without further ado, we decide to use the time for a very long lunch. 1000 curves and one of the best routes on this tour ,so far, we reach or Hotel in Lugano late but happy
take it easy Today will be a relaxing day. We start a little later than usual. And make a little extra lap through Lugano to have a look at the lake and the landscape. After that it goes rather leisurely from place to place until we finally reach the mountains. A wonderfully winding and very well maintained road welcomes us. But this is not the only surprise. As we enter a small village we see this massive church in front of us. A place of pilgrimage the "Santuario Della Madonna Del Sangue" We have not expected here. We spend some time there and then tackle the "Simplon Pass". The top of the pass with a wonderful mountain panorama awaits us. Back in the valley we pass through small villages in the direction of Zermat. In the city since the 1930s no vehicles with fossil engines are allowed. So we put the last meters back in small electric cars.
Relax!!! Today is our 2nd day of rest. And of course we don't want to just lie around lazily in bed, but also experience something. Zermatt has so much to offer, from mountain and cable cars to watch stores. Here it can be endured. Chris, Thony, Jeff and Kevin wanted to ride motorcycles and climbed a 2234m mountain with Thomas. While Bill, Eric and Alan explored the mountains, the rest of the pack rested or went shopping;-) We let the day end with a cozy dinner.
the beauty of switzerland Our day starts a little earlier than usual we don't want to miss the train down to the valley. Unfortunately, the trains do not run this morning because of technical problems. We as well as thousands of other people try to leave a city in which mobility is very strongly regulated. What a start to the day. Somehow we make it into the valley and ride off in the direction of the "Furka Pass". the landscape and the road are simply fantastic. shortly after the top of the pass we feel for a short moment like James Bond, to then drive down the pass again. Unfortunately, the "Sustenpass" from this side is not yet passable. After a small snack, we take the no less spectacular Grimselpass in attack. Countless curves and spectacular panoramas later, we reach the back of the "Sustenpass" From this side, the pass is passable almost all the way up. So what are we waiting for. Up and down again, what fun. Then we continue towards Lake Lucerne. Where we use a ferry to reach the other shore. Along the lake we cruise in the direction of the hotel. Another day in motorcycle paradise comes to an end. Die schönheit der Schweiz Unser Tag startet etwas früher als sonst wir wollen den Zug hinunter ins Tal nicht verpassen. Dummerweise fahren die Züge an diesem morgen wegen Technischer Probleme nicht. Wir sowie Tausend andere Menschen versuchen also eine Stadt zu verlassen in der mobilität sehr stark reglementiert ist. Was für ein Start in den Tag. Irgenwie schaffen wir es ins Tal und fahren los richtung "Furka Pass".Die Landschaft und die Straße sind einfach Traumhaft. kurz hinter der Passhöhe fühlen wir uns für einen kurzen moment wie James Bond, um dann den Pass wieder hinunter zu fahren. Leider ist der "Sustenpass" von dieser Seite noch nicht befahrbar. Nach einem kleinen Snack nehmen wir also den nicht weniger Spektakulären Grimselpass in Angriff. Unzählige Kurven und Spektakuläre Panoramen später erreichen wir die Rückseite des "Sustenpass" Von dieser Seite ist der Pass bis fast ganz nach oben befahrbar. Also worauf warten wir. Rauf und wieder runter, was für ein Spaß. Danach geht es weiter richtung Vierwaldstättersee. Wo wir eine Fähre nutzen um das andere Ufer zu erreichen. Entlang des Sees cruisen wir in richtung Hotel. Ein weiterer Tag im Motorrad Paradies neigt sich dem Ende.
Are these our fans? Good morning Lake Lucerne. This day starts like almost all days of this tour with bright sunshine. The sun will accompany us on our adventure today.... Yes, you read that right, adventure. But one after the other. After a short briefing, we set off ride the lake towards the south. After a short misunderstanding in a traffic circle we continue to Altdorf. Where we admire the "Wilhelm Tell" statue and take a short break. Beautiful curves wind through the valleys of Switzerland until we reach the "Oberalp Pass". A sign tells us that the pass will be closed in a few minutes due to a bike race. It will be the topic of the day. So we tackle the pass. After we have left the advertising and team vehicles behind us. we turn onto small winding side roads. The signs on the side of the road indicate to us that the cyclists probably have the same idea as we do. So we try to stay ahead of the race. We make a tactical lunch stop and Tonny learns incidentally how delicious falafel can be. From there, our path is lined with people who wave at us. Are these our fans? Our last pass of the day the "Albulapass", which is actually hardly used and beautiful, if not just the "Tour de Swiss takes place", finally brings us to the destination of our day "Pontressina" near "St. Moritz". That was different but somehow cool.
what a final So there it is our last day of riding. But also the day when we will finally ride the world famous "Stelvio". A dream comes true. But first we leave Switzerland over the "Bernina Pass" in the direction of Italy. It has rained during the night the roads are cold and wet so we take a coffee break in "Livigno" and give the sun some time to dry the roads. Then it's time to turn off in the direction of "Stelvio". The ride to the summit is breathtaking. The curves, the landscape, just everything. At the top we take a look at what awaits us. There it lies the road of which all speak "Stelvio". But tradition-conscious as we are, we first strengthen ourselves at "Bruno" with a good sausage. That's what real bikers do up here.... really. Afterwards we ride down the famous pass in small groups or alone. Our guide Thomas follows. Uncle Al and Ed look for us a nice meeting place in the valley. What a ride. Arrived down. we continue towards "Reschen" lake and "Reschenpass" whose gentle curves conjure up a smile on our faces. A few side roads later we reach the "Gacher Blick" from there we enjoy once again the alpine panorama before we have to say good bye to our bikes in Mieming. What a ride. What a tour. We say thank you to all who made this trip what it was and will be for a long time. An unforgettable experience for all, both old and new friends. Thanks to Uncle Al for taking it upon yourself again to be here for an adventure with these crazy people. That was great. Jury and Thomas