SPT23032 - BOB's BMW Motorrad Days Tour 2023

Day 3: Berlin to Dresden Let´s kick of this journey with a sunny morning and on top a stunning breakfast. Sooooo, whats next – well we are leaving Berlin and will ride several kilometers on country roads to reach the visitor mine F60. The mine himself is not operating anymore or better in total she did it not longer then 1 year. So why should you see this place!!!!? Simply because it is so huge – just look at the pictures. And if you thinking about to build a pool and you got to dig a hole for it!? This might be the perfect solution - if you plan to build a pool which is 140 meters deep and around 50 meter wide. From this F60 has been build just 5 machines and 4 are still working until Germany will totally turn down the Coal production. But there is somehow also a positive side of it!!! All the mining spots where the F60 has been doing the mining in the beginning of the 90´s turned into lakes. Where we just thought to jump in today, because it was around 35 C. As you can see – Petrus took good care of us and the ladies from the cantina at the mining place topped it home made potato soup and other classic dishes from east Germany. The last highlight and the place where we will sleep tonight is the famous town of Dresden. I could write about Dresden but on the end of the day – you got to see it live – doesn’t matter how many words I wild find. And I promise you will love it!!!! And now is Dinner time !!! See you tomorrow Jennifer + Tom + Axel and of wild bunch of riders
Day 4: Dresden to Praha (Prag) Welcome Home Axel What!!!? Yes, Dresden used to be my home for a while and that why it was nice to take our riders on a ride through my backyard. But before we start with – what have we done – we start with our last night!! Yesterday after a good menu close to the Frauenkirche we went out for a little walk through the beautiful old part of Dresden. This town got some flair on one side of the river Elbe you will find cocktail bars and nightlife and on our side you will step back in time because of all this old limestone buildings. But anyway, it is time to start with this day!!! Right after the briefing it was time to clutch out and only an hour away, we stopped for the first highlight of the day -The Bastei. The limestone formation which is designed by weather is something special around here!!! In the high season you will see a lot of crazy climbers which made there way up to the top of each stone formation and of course as well up to the bridge where you can go to enjoy the view. After a coffee break on top, we moved on towards a hidden treasure which is in our case: The Edelweiss Picknick!!!!!!! Highlights over highlights today and besides this two we had another one and this has been the little roads which guided us from Germany to Czech Republic. It was a really nice to Praha, but if you are once here you got to go to town!!!! Because the Flair of Praha is something special!!!! So come around with us and we will show you the beauty of Praha. So tomorrow we will ride to a town which is verry well known for a drink – So get ready for our blog tomorrow and have a nice day. See you tomorrow! Jennifer + Tom + Axel
Day 5: Praha (Prag) to České Budějovice (Budweis) One Day - Two Groups & A Lot Of Fun!!! How should I start!!!!!? Well, it was the night before where everything started. Because after Dinner yesterday we had a walk-through Praha and Tom had a great idee – why do we not ask if someone like to sleep a little longer and who wants to ride a full day goes with me. And so we did. So that I started as usual with our briefing at 8:30 and then we clutched out into the morning traffic of Praha which can be taff – but in our case we have been lucky and get out of town quite quick. After several Kilometers on the highway, we switched to the wonderful country roads and this ride has been a real pleasure to all of us. Imagine you got a almost new tarmac which is bending through the forest and you are almost alone on the road. This is actually what we have been done today besides having Homemade Gulash and Knödel – before you say something!!!! This is a classic dish over here and you need to say it like that when you order!!!! So I will not translate it!!!! On top – we visit a motorcycle museum what has been verry impressive and afterwards we went back on the fantastic roads. As a final resume of the ride today - It was great !!! Thanks to the group which has been on the road with me. The other half went with Tom and as we met at the Hotel and cached up on the bar for beer and talked about the places where we have been today it was clear that all of us, had a great day. So, see you tomorrow! Jennifer + Tom + Axel
Day 6: From Budweis to Gmunden Austria here we come!!! It is a great day because we get closer and closer to the Alps!!! And so we started our day with the daily business – Breakfast – Briefing! And then – well it was time to clutch out. But only 30 minutes later we had to park our bikes for our first highlight of the day – Krumau!!! I have been there before and still I can´t get enough of this charm of the medieval town. The town himself is almost surrounded by the river Moldau and when you enter the town you will step back in time with the advantage of our century – good coffee. After some hours it was time to move on towards Austria and of course the next highlight. Besides the stunning roads through this wonderful landscape, we had another adventure just in the middle of our ride. We had to cross the Danube River and if you think we took a big ferry? No, we did it almost old school – this little ferry what you see on the picture was something special!! If you look closely you will see that she was mad out of an old mining train and a boat. After this little adventure it was time for a good lunch and so we did. Full of energy we started once again our steel horses and now we are in Gmunden where we stay for 2 nights. This day has been a pleasure in many ways and for me – was the moments of the moments today when we came over the hills towards Gmunden and the beautiful alps and the lake Traunstein just took our breath away. Another day is over and we 3 got to go to meet the groupe So, see you tomorrow! Jennifer + Tom + Axel
Day 7: Rest- Day – The Best Day? Hallo again from Gmunden in Austria. Today is Rest-Day and that’s always a good day with many opportunities!!! If you love to ride there is always a way to do a ride and if you like to sleep longer? Well, no problem – it is up to you. In our case we had 4 Teams today who went out. Number one has been the Team on a ride. We went out at 9:30 and enjoy as much as we can the roads around here. We passed highlights like the Red Bull head Quarter went along Attersee Wolfgangsee Mondsee….. and on top we have been high up at the Roßfeld Street. The only thing what has been missing on the ride was the sun. But we had anyway fun. Team 2 went with Jenni to Bad Ischl to discover this little picture postcard town. To get there they used the train which gave them the chance to enjoy the view as much as possible. Team 3: A small group took another train to Salzburg where they had a great day to And Team Tom: They enjoyed the day here in Gmunden All in one there has been a lot of stories to be told at the dinner where we all met again. This fantastic day comes to an end and the highlight of tomorrow is already in our head – Großglockner High alpine Road. So, see you tomorrow! Jennifer + Tom + Axel
Day 8: Gmunden to Lienz Sun + Fun + Stunning Roads = Day 8 Good Morning beautiful riding day – we are going to the Großglockner!!! The sun in our face and we are ready to have a great day. And I can tell you already that was a day we will never forget. Out of Gmunden and into the playground of the alps. The first highlight of the Day is the Postalm road which a nice little valley where the road is climbing step by step up and the landscape is just like on a postcard – breathtaking. Up on the Top our first Coffee and then we went down and made our way to the Großglockner high alpine road. This is for sure a road what everybody should ride once in his lifetime!!!! To describe this day with words is even for me not easy and that why I will let the pictures speak for themselves. I wish you could see all the happy faces after this stunning ride today!!! That is actually the best judgment if a day was good or even like in our case awesome. Now we are in Lienz and tomorrow we will dive into the Dolomites and some mor Passes will be waiting for us. And Now!!!!! – Picture time!!!! Jennifer + Tom + Axel Over and out for today
Day 9: Lienz to Vipiteno (Sterzing) Rollercoaster Day on our Tour Welcome to another breathtaking day and maybe this one is the best day of our ride!? But this we will find out on our last evening of the tour. But before I can tell you why this day is for me the best ride what we had. We started with blue sky and a route which could not be better picked. The route lead us to Italy into the heart of the Dolomites. And for me is that one of the best playgrounds of the world for motorcycle riders. We took on several Passes like Passo Giau / Passo Falzarego and even that Passo Giau has been a great highlight we put a sherry on top with the Würzjoch which have been such a pleasure. We told the groupe in the morning that this day will be something what the y will never forget and we kept our promise - to be sure we had another stunning Picknick from Jenny at the top of Passo Falzarego. This day was such a rollercoaster that all of us will dream tonight from these great roads. If you think about to ride in the Dolomites? We can tell you: This will be one of your best rides what you will have Soooooo – it´s time to get ready for tomorrows ride See you Jennifer + Tom + Axel Tag 9: Lienz nach Sterzing (Sterzing) Achterbahntag auf unserer Tour Willkommen zu einem weiteren atemberaubenden Tag und vielleicht ist dieser Tag der beste unserer Reise!? Aber das werden wir am letzten Abend unserer Tour herausfinden. Aber vorher kann ich euch sagen, warum dieser Tag für mich die beste Fahrt ist, die wir hatten. Wir starteten mit blauem Himmel und einer Route, die nicht besser gewählt sein könnte. Die Route führte uns nach Italien ins Herz der Dolomiten. Und das ist für mich eine der besten Spielwiesen der Welt für Motorradfahrer. Wir haben mehrere Pässe wie den Passo Giau / Passo Falzarego befahren und auch wenn der Passo Giau ein großes Highlight war, haben wir mit dem Würzjoch eine Kirsche oben drauf gesetzt, was ein Genuss war. Wir haben der Gruppe am Morgen gesagt, dass dieser Tag etwas sein wird, was sie nie vergessen werden, und wir haben unser Versprechen gehalten - um sicher zu gehen hatten wir ein weiteres atemberaubendes Picknick von Jenny auf der Spitze des Passo Falzarego hatten. Dieser Tag war eine solche Achterbahnfahrt, dass wir alle heute Nacht von diesen tollen Straßen träumen werden. Wenn ihr darüber nachdenkt, in den Dolomiten zu fahren? Wir können Euch versichern : Das wird eine der beste Fahrten sein, die ihr je erlebt habt. Soooooo - es ist Zeit, sich für die morgige Fahrt vorzubereiten Auf Wiedersehen Jennifer + Tom + Axel
Day 10: Vipiteno (Sterzing) to München The last ride of this tour begins Good morning good morning it is time to start our steel horses one more time. Today we are going home to Munich where everything began. The ride himself guided us from South Tirol over Tirol/Austria to Munich Germany. Along the way we just stopped a view times because a big highlight in Munich was waiting for us – The BMW Museum. To save some time we took the highway to Austria before we went on, on country roads through nice little villages like Seefeld and Krün. The Coffee Stop on the Walchensee gave us a last view at the beauty of the alps and memories from the past days has been crossing our minds. What a nice tour and how lucky we have been with the weather. It was such a pleasure to ride all these unique roads together as family and not as some strangers. As we arrived at the Museum, we know that this will be the last highlight but we also has been already sure that this will be not the last time that we ride together. A wonderful tour is going to an end and we Jennifer + Tom + Axel Like to say - Thank You for this ride. !!!!