Welcome to Catania and the start of the Rom to Sicily Tour or in our case Sicily to Rom Tour
Hello from Alan and Axel the Tour Guides on this Tour. We both left the snowy mountains of the alps and got some nice motorcycles with us which need to be moved. And that why we already looking forward to meet our group/ riders down here in Sicily. In the next days we will step back in time and that over 2000 years where we discover the history and the beautiful landscape of Sicily. And the best thing is we will do it on motorcycles. What does it mean: Well we will start our breathtaking ride around Sicily at the coast of Catania and we will ride clockwise around the island and almost up to the top of the volcano Etna. From there we will take the ferry to the mainland and we will ride all the way up to Rom. But I don´t want spoil to much right now because here on our Blog you will find the answer if this Tour would be something for you as well.
Just on side if you like good seafood, ice creme, pasta, vine and breathtaking landscapes along the coastline and in the mountains well then you are right on this tour.
So, let´s see if we can proof it.
Stay tuned here on our Blog for more impressions
Alan and Axel
First day of riding and with sun in our Face we had a nice day!!!! Along the way we stopped at the famous Villa Romana del Casale and in Agrigento at the Valle dei Templi.
and of course in-between we get used to the Italien traffic and our motorcycles.
All in one the first day of riding is a warm up for the next days - Why? you will see here, when you come back to have a look for what we have done.
For today we will spoil not to much, but we can promise that we will have in the next days a lot of fun on our motorcycles - Code Name Rollercoaster -
See you tomorrow
Alan and Axel
Curvy Roads from the West to the North of Sicily - another nice ride and a stunning landscape has been the pleasure of our ride and on Top we went through famous Italien villages like Prizzi and Corleone which are famous from the movie of The Gotfather and for sure for the Mafia himself. the ride himself over the mountain range down to the coastline of north Sicily is just the stunning. Our Hotel tonight is not far from the center of Cefalu and that's good because you should make a walk down to the beaches and the charming Center of the town - as a hint you should not miss the chance to eat some ice creme down there.
So another day is over and we need some rest.
See you tomorrow
Alan and Axel
Good Morning Good Morning in Cafalú
Today we will ride to Taormina - the place to be for the next 2 days
But before we will have a rollercoaster ride!!!! What does it mean - well, just out of town we climbed up the mountain (Madonie e Nebrodi) on very small narrow roads. What a ride, curve after curve and no end to see. During the ride we stopped for a coffee in Sperlinga which got a Norman castle wich ist carved into the mountain and some part has been build on top. After the coffee and a break what we needed we moved on down south in the direction of the Etna. More curves along the way guided us to Troina where we had a good lunch with a stunning view towards the Etna. From there on we had 121 km to go and of curse more curvy roads. Finally we are on the south side of the Etna in a hotel right on the coast. I would say it is a nice place to wake up tomorrow on our Rest Day.
Soooo that has been day 4
Alan and Axel
Today Rest Day but that means nothing because some of us took the motorcycles and went out to rid up to the Etna and some of us went out for a boat ride and of course Taormina himself. This cosy little village is a must do on this tour so if you are once here you should do the ride and in the evening you can go to the old part of Taormina.
I promise you won't forget this day!!!!
All in one it is the perfect place to have a Rest day and to recharge our energy level for the next days.
So if you like to see more about this tour!? You just have to come back tomorrow and have look in our Blog
Alan and Axel
Hello again on day 6 and today we will leave Sicily
So one more dance through the mountains of Sicily and then we took the ferry to the main land. The weather has been once more just perfekt - not to warm and sunny - what else could you wish for on a bike!!!
Well, and tomorrow we will move on - towards Maratea where will have one of my favorite foto stops of the TOUR
So, See you tomorrow
Alan and Axel
Let's get started - it's time for an intense day of riding!!!
Along the coast and over winding mountain roads back to the coast and back up into the mountains and back to the coast - that's how you could describe this day and makes it probably the most intense riding day of our tour and on top of that Alan made a great picnic so that we had everything we needed for a great ride. It is the landscape along the route that always makes you say to yourself how much more beautiful can it get and then you come around the next corner and you think: That, yes, that looks even better. And now I'll let a few pictures speak for themselves to give you an impression. If you want to know what it's like - well, just come on a tour with us down here!
See you tomorrow
Alan and Axel
Almost there in Rome but before we have to sleep at Pompei and we will stay there for 2 nights. So the ride today is a short one and of course some more curvy roads towards Salerno will be our breakfast. History wise we had a look at the ruins of Paestum and then we moved on to Pompei. The weather himself has been in the morning quite good but it changed towards our final destination for today - So fingers crossed for tomorrow that the sun will be back.
Let´s see what tomorrow brings
Alan and Axel
Rest day it is and this in Pompei what means there is a lot to do.
Degens on your mood you could do a ride along the Amalfi coast or you say lets step back in time and go to Pompei or you say lets discover Naples and trie one of the world known pizzas.
You see this rest day even is it the second last day got a lot of opportunities. In our case the group did all of them. It was a nice day after the last long riding days and everybody had a great time.
Well and tomorrow we will hop one more time on the motorcycles and will ride to Rome.
So let´s see what tomorrow brings.
Alan and Axel
Here we go - last day of the tour - We are going to Rome
The first stretch of the day has been on the highway to avoid the Friday morning traffic of Naples and after this we went straight to the coastline where we went up north to Sperlonga. The road to Sperlonga was a nice winding road and the view down to the coast of the little village of Sperlonga is just priceless - and hard to describe, so you got to see it - for me another stunning view and under the top 5 picture stops of the tour. from there on we went towards Rome where we get in touch with pure Italian traffic - I put it this way: you can read a lot about it or you hear stories about it but on the end it is totally different if you a part of it - but I also got to say everybody of the groups managed it well after al these days on Italian streets!!!! Just for an example if a car indicates to the left it means not for sure that he likes to turn left.
On the end we all in Rome and a long tour with a lot of memories comes to an end.
We - Alan and myself - like to thank you for the ride and looking forward to show you more of Europe maybe the alps - so see you soon!!!
Alan and Axel