Royal Harley Alps Tour SPT1205
07 Aug 2012

Day 11 & 12: The last days in europe! what an amazing trip!!! hope that you all enjoyed it as much as we did...
in front of the great Arlberg Hotel in Lech...
The great rest day tour to Silvretta Alpine Road
and after great two weeks finally back in Munich!!! look at those smiles :)
Day 10: Luzern - Lech
our group in front of the "Four forrest city lake" (Lake Lucern)
on top of the Klausenpass
after a lang morning ride and a hurting "back-end" a quick break at the Walensee
Day 9: Zermatt - Luzern
our electric luggage transport vehicle... tight packed ;-)
arrival in Luzern. Great Hotel and very biker friendly...
Day 8: St. Moritz - Zermatt
group picture in front of our great hotel in St. Moritz
Solis-bridge coffee stop
After Wayne has seen the view over the Rhone-Glacier towards the Grimselpass, he was 3 feet in the air and asked if we are going to drive that one too ;-)
He was happy that we did that one the day after :)
crystal clear Matterhorn... what a view :)
Day 7: Rest Day St. Moritz
...his first bell - what a moment for a man :)
our rest day group on top of Julierpass
Day 6: Meran to St. Moritz
Wayne picking up chicks in Meran ;-)
edelweiss bus tours ;-)
at the Bernina-pass
a happy guide :)
Day 5: Rest Day Meran
coffee at the Gampenpass
and a great lunch at the wine labyrinth in Lana
how to open an original bavarian sealed bear bottle...
Day 4: Lienz to Meran
The Dolomites ;-)
Lago Misurina
great ride in the cable car on top of the Lagazuoi... 8800ft.
Harley Davidson is everywhere!!!
...the cable car - same are breathless because...
...of the way down ;-)
Day 3: from Salzburg to Lienz
Highlight of the day was the Großglockner Mountain Road!!!
In front of the glacier it was chilly but the food was excellent!
the girls...
... the guys in german language we would say "wie Hühner auf einer Stange" ;-)
after workout
After an excited riding day it is fun to relax - life can be tough ;-)
hey everyone... finally we have a Harley Tour in the Alps again!
The plan is to start in Munich, go to Salzburg, Lienz, Meran, St. Moritz, Zermatt, Luzern, Lech and back to Munich. All this we do in 11 riding days including 4 rest days.
So far we arrived in Lienz and that's what has happened...
take off from Munich towards the Chiemsee where we visit the island of Herrenchimesee by boat and do a great tour through the castle
Day 2 on our way to the Eagle's Nest on top of the Obersalzberg...
cu tomorrow
Ramon & Christoph