SPT1207 Alps Extreme - Last photos
21 Aug 2012

Last group photo before going back to Munich!
Gustavo wants his photo from passo stelvio - here we go!! Edelweiss by the way wants back the yellow TOURATECH bags - i got some problems from the office!! We really need them to deliver various stuff! So please send them back or write an e-mail to Doris!
On top pf passo stelvio at 2757 m (9045 feet) is the highest paved mountain passin the Eastern Alps, and the second highest in the Alps, slightly below theCol de L'iseran(2770 m, 9088 feet).
Where is Paolo's Bike?? Where is Paolo's key????? ;)
Riding day nr.4 was monte Bondone in the morning, then a coffe stop on the lake of Molveno! A pit stop on passo palade - Gampenpass - and best lunch in Cermes at the Labyrinthgarden of the "Conte di Cermes". After lunch visit to the unique garden with various pieces of art. Another highlight of the tour. Enjoy the photos .... and good night from Schnalstal - val senales!
Another great day around the area of lake garda with perfect riding and 37 C temperature. It was hot! And it was good!!!
check it out:
just above the lake of caldonazzo and lake levico
coffe stop in riva del garda
A lot of fun riding around the alps and specially the World Heritage of the Dolomites! The UNESCO play ground is just perfect for some powerful bikes ... ;) plenty of curves, perfect weather, outstanding food and strong coffee! that's all what we need - and funny customers obviously! Unfortunately Evandro and Monica can not join us anymore! We all hope they are doing well and hopefully we see you soon ....
Good night from the lago di Levico!
Keep following us and feel free to write some comments ;)
Todo il mundo al Großglockner ;)
first coffe stop in Austria
a very good start!
some professional photos .. ;)
on the way to Großglockner - Edelweissspitze! What a day!!
il ducatista un po' troppo veloce .... ;)
this was the only cloud for the day! Perfect riding - and follow the sun
More information later, with help of my brazilian friends! Right now we enjoy the lake of Levico and the last minutes of sun before dinner!!
ciao ciao :)
the view this morning from our hotel just above Toblach/Dobbiaco
Lake Misurina
Passo Giau
the view from up there
and a real, italian coffee ;)
bicycles all over the dolomites
ready fo lunch
same here ;)