Edelweiss Wuzzler Cup 2012
15 Oct 2012

October 10, 2012: It was one of those last beautiful autumn days in the middst of the Alps when the Office and Tour Guide Team of Edelweiss Bike Travel got together to participate in the first Edelweiss Wuzzler Cup 2012.
What initially started as an "after season" and "new program" celebration soon escalated in a serious wuzzler competition between the office and tour guide teams and two more teams with kids and relatives...
But let's start at the beginning...
Sunday, 9.30 am: Secretly and quietly one of the Edelweiss vans is rolling onto the soccer field near the new Edelweiss garage in Mieming. Nobody knows what this van is delivering but soon EVERYBODY will be immensly surprised...
Albert Knapp - from the Edelweiss garage and Coral Wachter - co-founder and owner of Edelweiss Bike Travel are unfolding what looks a huge green canvas...
Minutes later the package is still unfolding,...
Once having unfolded the complete package an air compressor is attached and the green canvas is getting alive...
10.00 am: Rainer Buck, Managing Director of Edelweiss Bike Travel is himself taking care of the correct installation of what now looks like a life-size table soccer field...
10.30 am: A short welcome briefing is held and everybody gets briefed the rules of table-soccer:
1) Make sure everybody is wearing comfortable shoes...
2) Make sure tour guides and office staff are fastened to the table soccer and they can't move anymore...
3) Make sure you have your camera handy - that makes for some good pictures... ;)))
11.00 am: Let's get ready - the first competition "Office vs. Tour Guides" is starting...
Ursula and Tom build the offense and try to get that ball past Markus...
On the other side Rainer turns out to be a real goal getter - if Edelweiss business is not going well anymore he could easily start a soccer career at Bayern München - at least! ;)))
Next match: "Kids vs. Relatives" and the kids play far better than their "relatives"...
Especially Florian - Markus eldest son - did surprise everybody with his legendary goal - scored as a goaly...
12.30 am: The second match is over and everbody aims for a little break - luckily Jens from the garage did meanwhile prepare the barbecue - thanks Jens...
So everybody is happy to have a little rest and to enjoy too many sausages and steaks and far too much salad...
Ah, did I mention that we all had too much cake too..?
So get up guys - the next match is soon starting...
Being exhausted from the morning match and having had lunch everybody feels a little tired... But we are still doing our best to win the competition...
... and are cheered by Helena - Cornelias daughter!
Do you know that guy? Werner Wachter - founder and owner of Edelweiss Bike Travel was assigned as the referee and is taking care that everybody observes the rules...
Watching Alejandro doing his "soccer dance" someone could get the idea that he was from Spain with soccer blood in his veins... Wow, look at his feet...
That looks so funny that the other team can't stop laughing anymore...
And Paul was too smiling standing in front of his goal...
So who did win the competition? Well, that's a secret and doesn't really matter. More important was that we all just had so much fun and enjoyed getting together, playing some soccer and just having a good time...
Thanks to everybody for taking part - see you next year for the Edelweiss Wuzzler Cup 2013!