12 Jul 2013

David & Mona, Gina, Christine & Gerald decidet to discover Munich before going on the Best of Europe Tour
Frauenkirche --> Munich's largest church & the tower of the city hall with the Glockenspiel (carrillon)
Gina tried a real Bavarian Brezel ... and it seems that she loved it ;)
David, Mona and Gina climbed the steeple of St. Peter's church with TG Gottfried and enjoyed the view over Munich
Traditional Bavarian breakfast & lunch --> White sausages with fresh Brezel & Beer
Gottfried, David & Mona, Gina, Christine & Gerald in the Augustiner Bräu
The devil's footprint in the Frauenkirche...
... and David trying if his foot fits in ;)
Traditional music in the Hofbräuhaus --> the world's biggest and most famous pub
We did it! Now that we saw this beautiful city we are ready to hop on our bikes and to discover Europe ... if you want you can follow us on that blog ;)