9SI - Best Of Italy

9SI - Best Of Italy

27 May 2015
/Martin Haid
DAY 6 Our last day is again a nice ride from Florence to Bologna, with a goodbye-loop in Borgo Panigale. Farewell-drinks ... ... and the following picture shows you, how - we think so - all of us feel, when celebrating the last evening: We recognize that we are like a little group of friends! Thanks to Janet,Ed, Tony, Colin, Gregory, Srini, David, Rudi, Annick, Karlene, Davis and Kory!!! CU DAY 5 Today's the great motoGP-event in Mugello and we 14 ladies and guys are there ... :):):)! Just look and enjoy! All of us are happy, it is an awesome day! Ducati e le donne ... ché bella - Ducati and the women ... how beautiful. DUCATI - la passione italiana in rosso / the red italian passion We have fun and Ducati with Iannone conquers the 2nd place and Vale the 3rd. And one photo to fulfill the educational mandate ;). DAY 4 The city of the Medici - Florence / Firenze - is our today's destination. We start from Assisi and pass Orvieto, Montepulcano, S. Giovanni Sasso and reach the city of Florence, where Martin drives with the van and the trailer through such narrow, curvy streets in the middle of the old town while searching for the Hotel, that he has to seperate the trailer from the van, and maneuver the van and than the trailer by hand before the two vehicles can find together again. Even arrived, we start a short sightseeing tour . Alan in the complete Edelweiss-Sightseeing-Outfit. We meet the next Pope - Ed I. Alan, Tony, David, Annick, David, Gregory, Ed, Srini,Colin, Janet, Korlenne, Kory und Walter. Buona notte, Firenze! DAY 3 In the morning their is somebody parking behind our van - bring they speeding tickets? No way, they only secure our support vehicle and the ducatis, because they've heard about that special group of riders, tuscany is talking about in these days. Unfortunatly they can't catch the guy who pulled a screw in the rear tyre of Annick's Monster at night. The spirit of Sant Francis is in our topcase, and so we leave Assisi confident, that there will no more curves try to conquer us - but we will conquer them again. Martin, David, Annick, Walter, Karlenne, Alan, Korey, Anthony, David, Gregory, Srini, Ed, Colin and Janet. Srini on top Janet and Colin - both Best Of Italy dressed. Arrived in Siena DAY 2 We wake up in San Marino and the sun is shining - grazie mille! VR46 - Tavullia is on our route today, we visit the hometown of "Valle", 9times worldchampion Il DottoreValentino Rossi. Un cappuccino alla Rossi Before lunch in this nice ristorante Il Grillo, Vocca Serriola ... ... some of us made a part of the road twice because of the shaky curves. In Borgo Panigale we saw how they assemble the ducatis, two of us tried to disassemble them :(. Ducatis from here to the horizon. Lago di Trasimeno Who finds the second bike in the van? Impressions of Assisi DAY 1 - THE FIRST RIDING ON THE DUCATIS The last day in rain on this tour, we know that - absolutely! Alan, David, Annick, Anthony, Gregory, Srini, David, Ed, Karlenne, Kory, Walter, Colin and Janet. The tour starts with highlights for Ducatisti - the guided factory tour, the museum and the shop. Yes, we carry a few bags out of the store. Sometimes a tourguide's breakfast looks like this - something in somewhere ... After a lot of curves, which don't permit to take pictures - because that interrupts the flow - we reach San Marino without two missing persons. Sorry for that, Janet and Colin. In the evening the tourguides make a second welcome briefing, reminding the bikers of the group riding rules. Then we enjoy dinner and congratulate Karlene to here birthday. And we're very happy, that the group is complete again! THE ARRIVING DAY Benvenuti a Bologna! After hours in Mieming and on the Italien Highway the last bikes arrive with Martin, the Van and the trailer. Alan and the bikers are here for a while, waiting for them. The town in Emiglia-Romagnia welcomes us with rainy weather - maybe Martin didn't get enough rain, snow and fog at Best Of America in the USA the last weeks? But the customers from Australia, Austria and the U.S.A. are all excited and smiling. We try to rock the forecast for the next week and it looks like it works.